Chapter 18 → Goodbye Konoha... Hello Suna!

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Yuna's POV

Two days have passed since the Hokage gave us the mission. My team and I were now in the Hokage's office, as Emiko wanted to say her last goodbye to him.

We all felt somewhat sad, because this will be the last time we see the Third Hokage. I respect the man though. He accepted his fate for the sake and well being of his villagers, which shows how an amazing leader he is.

"Emiko, hurry up. We have to go." Zabuza told her. Emiko hugged the Third one last time and we left. "Good luck." Were the last words of the Third Hokage to us.

I know how kind Emiko is, even in my time she's a very kind and caring woman. Because of her and Jay, many people's lives were spared.

Finally we reached the village's gates. We all turned towards the village and silently bid farewell.

"The sooner we start the mission, the sooner we'll come back."

"Hai, Zabuza-sensei!" Emiko, Haku and I shouted in unison.

And this is how our journey around the Shinobi World started.

~ Timeskip ~

Emiko's POV

We've been walking for two hours, our destination being Sunagakure. All of a sudden, I sense four people running towards us.

"Guys, I sense four people up ahead... But something doesn't add up. There are four people, but I feel five different chakras, of which a very powerful one." I informed my team.

"How far are they?"

"About three kilometers, but they're coming fast. They will probably get here in the next 20 minutes or so if they keep running, Zabuza-sensei."

"Let's hide and conceal our chakra. It's either they are here for the chunin exams or they are on a mission. Either way, we will not engage in battle until strictly necessary."

"Hai, Zabuza-sensei."

"Zabuza-sensei, what about the fifth chakra that Emiko felt?" Yuna pointed out.

"Maybe one of the people is a Jinchuriki(I'm not sure about the spelling)." We all tensed at the mention of a Jinchuriki.

"Now hide!" Zabuza demanded. Within two seconds we were all hiding.

Not long after, four Shinobi that I am familiar with stop right where my team was. Out of all the ninjas in this world, we had to cross paths with them?!

Right in front of us were the Sand Sibilings and their sensei. I felt something crawl up my ankle, and when I looked down, I saw sand making its way up my left leg. I immediately jumped up and landed in a crouched position in front of Temari.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Temari asked, standing in a defensive stance.

Gaara's sand came for me again, but Baki stopped him. "She is a Konoha nin. State your name and your purpose."

"It's common courtesy to give your name before asking for someone else's name." I replied, using Sasuke's exact words when Neji asked for his name. "And my village is nearby, so I have every right to be walking around here. You, on the other hand, are from Suna, which is in the Land of Wind. I guess you're here for the chunin exams, am I correct?"

"Yes. Are you alone?"

"Do you really think that a young girl like her would walk around a forest all by herself? Emiko, I specifically said not to engage in battle until strictly necessary." Zabuza, Haku and Yuna appeared beside me, all facing the Suna nins.

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