Chapter 20 → New Information

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I drew this chibi version of Madara ^_^ . . . I don't own the original pic (which you can find on Google) I only own this free-hand drawing I made :)

Zabuza's POV

I was helping Yuna with dinner, when we heard Haku and Emiko coming back.

"I'm starving!" Emiko started whining as soon as she entered the house. Haku shook his head and smiled at Emiko.

"We ate dango just a couple of minutes ago. How can you still be hungry?"

"Well... Uh... I dunno." Emiko rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. Yuna and Haku anime fell.

"Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes. We're leaving tomorrow morning. Go pack your stuff." I told them. Haku went to our room and Emiko handed me a small box.

"This is a small present for you, Sensei. I hope you like it." She said, before taking her stuff and running to her room.

I looked at the small box and opened it. Inside there was a framed picture of our team. I don't know when she took the picture, but we all looked happy.

Thank you, Emiko.

~ A Few Days Later ~

Emiko's POV

"Zabuza-sensei, how far is this village? We've been walking for days..."

"Emiko, the village is just in front of you. Stop looking at your feet and pay attention."

Haku and Yuna started laughing, while I just looked up and sighed loudly.

"Finally! Are there any hot springs in this village?"

"Yes, Emiko. This village is famous for its hot springs, as it was built over an extinct volcano. There is a lot of magma flowing underneath this village, so the underground water for the hot springs is constantly warm." Zabuza explained.

"If the volcano is extinct, why does magma still flow in this area?" Haku pointed out.

"Because that magma is connected to another volcano a few kilometers north west of here."

"Enough with the questions! The hot springs and the dango are waiting for me... I mean, us!" I ran towards a dango shop I noticed when we entered the village, my team calmly walking behind me.

Ever since Haku made me taste dango, I became addicted to it. Now I know why Itachi loves it so much; it is soft and sweet, making you crave more after every bite you take.

"Hello, may I help you?" The lady by the counter politely asked me.

"Hi, yes. I would like 10 dango sticks and four cups of green tea, please."

"10 dango sticks and green tea coming right up! You can take a seat by that table, Miss."

"Thank you."

I sat by the table, waiting for my team to join me and my order to arrive. When my team entered the shop, Yuna looked towards me and said something to Zabuza and Haku. Then they came towards me and sat down.

"You guys finally arrived. I already ordrerd dango and green tea... Ah, here they come!"

The waitress placed the plate of dangos and the tea pot on the table, then she placed a cup in front of each of us. We thanked her and she left.

We ate quietly, and when we were all done, Zabuza paid and we left.

"There is a very nice inn this way. I remember staying there a few weeks ago." Yuna led us to an inn not too far from the dango shop.

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