Chapter 3 • Meeting The Enemy

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She didn't know if this was some sort of joke that Antonio came up and managed to convince them to play along, or if it was real. She didn't know what to think. She felt as though the whole world had stopped, and she waiting for everyone to shout, "JOKES!"

This had to be a joke, right? Things like this didn't happen anymore, right? This was back in the old day, right?...right?

But nevertheless, Mirabella bursted out laughing. She slapped her knee, threw her head back and laughed. She laughed, and laughed, and she could feel her stomach aching. She raised her hand to her cheek and whipped away her tears that emerged from her eyes because of how much she laughed.

"Nice one, Antonio" she said, through her laugher. "How did you manage to get them to play along, man?" The men in the room didn't respond. She needed a minute to let the information she had been told to sink in.

And that's exactly what happened. Mirabella looked at them for a minute, and that's when she saw that they each held serious expressions on their faces. She sat there quietly, watching them, studying them. And then it all hit her like a sack of potatoes all at once. "No," She said. "My answer is no."

The men in the room all exchanged looks. They knew this was going to be hard. "Mirabella," Roman began, as he stepped forward. "You must understand that we only want what's best for you. This is the best-"


Roman sighed, and turned away from her to look at the others. Shrug his shoulders and dropped his hands down by his sides. "Sister, this-"

Mirabella stood up, and took a step forward. "This isn't fair" she said. "I don't want to marry him and I won't."

"You're father wanted this. This was his dying wish," said Mario. "We only want what's best for you-"

"What's best me for me?" Mirabella scoffed, as she pointed a finger at herself. She exhaled a cold and dry laugh as she shook her head. "No, you want what's best for you. All of you do. You only see how this can benefit you, but you never ask what I want-"

And just like that, something snapped within Alejandro. He slammed his hand on table and then poured a finger at his sister. Mirabella bit her tongue as she looked at her brother with wide, glossy eyes. "You will marry him, and that is final" he said, his voice was demanding and dangerous. This was the tone he used on the men that worked for the family when they didn't do as told. This was the tone he used when he tired to scare someone off. "He will attended the party and that's final."

Mirabella held her head up high, trying her very best not to cry. She turned around and walked out of the room and rushed upwards to her bedroom.

She locked the door, pressed her back against it and held her breath so her tears wouldn't leave her eyes. I won't cry, she told herself, I won't. She was too scared to cry out or wail, she just stood there as still as a statue. She blinked, and the tears dripped from her eyelids and slid down her cheeks. She bit her lip tightly in attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from her mouth.

She knew if someone saw they would think she was being over dramatic, hysterical, overreacting. But they wouldn't understand because being told that you can marry whoever you want since being a little girl who dreams about her big, fairytale wedding and never breaking the rules, it's like you are being betrayed by your family. Your blood.

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