Chapter 8 • The Woman With Red Hair

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It's been a few day since Mirabella's arrival to her new home, and during that time she still was getting use to living with her husband and the people that worked at this castle, as Miabella had come to call it.

Mirabella had lost count the many times she told the workers to call her by her first name and not Dona, Mrs. Rodriguez or Mrs. Mirabella. She didn't like it, especially when older people addressed her so.

Mirabella walked down one of the two spiral staircases. The entrance of the mansion was brightly lit and there were lamps on the walls. The floor was made out of white marble that was polished and looked as though it could have been a mirror. There was a small, waist high, table in the middle made out of glass with a pot of flowers on top and hanging down from the high ceiling was a magnificent chandelier.

Mirabella sat in the kitchen with the workers at the table. Some where still working while others were on break.

Mirabella was listening to the conversation the two youngest works were having. The girl opposite her had long dirty blonde hair that was tied into a ponytail with a black ribbon. She had full bangs, and sun-kissed skin and blue-almost grey eyes. Her name was Sinead, and she was the same age as Mirabella.

And the girl next to Mirabella had dark, long almost chestnut red hair that was also tied with a black ribbon and styled into a half up and half down hair-do. She had fair skin, hazel eyes with a hint of light green in them. Her name was Roberta, and she too was the same as Mirabella and Sinead. The two girls wore black skirts and a black blouses with white apron dresses on top as their uniforms.

The three girls laughed at Roberta's joke, as Mirabella looked down at her phone to check the time. It was six-thirty pm, and when she looked at the Chef and the amount of things he had to do she wanted to help. "Do you need any help?" She asked the Chef.

The Chef shook his head, his hat swinging side to side. "No," he said, with a thick Italian accent. "You will get tired."

"Oh, please" Mirabella rolled her eyes, as she got up and pushed her chair in. "I use to help in the kitchen back home."

Mirabella was busy setting her things up on the kitchen island on an empty spot. She placed down a plastic, see-through bowl and a chopping board with a sharp and shinny knife. She turned to the sink and began to rinse the cucumber, tomatoes and lettuce.


There was a desk with a black, leather chair behind it, two windows that where behind the desk and leather chair. The walls were made out of dark wood, and some had books stuffed in them. There were torches of candles on the walls, there was a marble fireplace with a sofa in front of it, two armchairs facing each other and a coffee table in the middle. There was also an upstairs part with shelves of books, and a chandelier hung down from the high ceiling.

"It's been a while," a soft and silky voice said. "Hello, my love."

A woman with long, red hair that hair parted down the middle was leaning against the desk with her back. She had light green eyes and fair skin. She wore black jeans with an emerald green blouse and a short black blazer with pointed high heels.

Daniel stepped inside the study and closed the door behind him, before he approached the woman. "Juliette," he said. "To what do I own the pleasure?" He tucked a hand in his pocket as he looked Juliette up and down.

"Oh, don't act so surprised to see me, darling" she said, as she tilted her head to the side and batted her lashes at Daniel. "You should have known that I would come after you if you didn't show up at my door within two days of my return." Juliette had been traveling with a few close friends of hers for the passed two weeks, and now that she was back Daniel wasn't very pleased with seeing her. And especially now that he was married.

Juliette knew that there was no relation going on between her and Daniel. At least not one of romantic gestures. Daniel only used her for pleasure and that was it.

Juliette approached him, her hips swing side to side with every step she took, and the closer she was getting to him the more he could smell the scent of her perfume. She stopped in front of him and ran a hand up and down his chest. "Don't tell me you didn't miss me?" She pouted, as she looked up at him. "Besides, lets not pretend like that girl can excite you the way I do."

Daniel knew what Juliette was asking for, but did he want to go with her? In that very moment and giving everything that had happened, no he did not. Daniel caught her wrist and looking into her eyes, he could see the lust she had for him in them. "I'm married," he said pulling away from her. "And I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't show up here unannounced. I have a wife now."

Juliette leaned against the desk once more and tilted her head to one side as a sly smirk danced in the corner of her lips.


"And then I slammed the door in his face," Roberta said, and everyone in the kitchen laughed.

"Serves him right," the Chef said.

Mirabella nodded her head while laughing as she grabbed the mozzarella cheese and began to chop it up before she threw the pieces in the bowl with the salad.

The sound of chairs being pushed back echoed the kitchen, and the people sitting all stood up and stopped laughing and talking. Mirabella looked up to see why everyone had gone so quiet. She followed their eyes and saw Daniel standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

Since she arrived at this castle she had only exchanged a few words with the king. They weren't even probably conversations just short words and not even full sentences. Mirabella did not blame Daniel. In fact she was fine with their lack of conversation, but they both knew that they had parts to play and that everyone expected them to play them well.

Sebastian, one of the workers walked towards Daniel and handed him something that Mirabella tried to glance of, but she failed at her attempt.

Daniel took one short and signal glance at his wife, before he turned around and walked away from the kitchen. Mirabella shrugged her shoulders even though deep down she was dying inside to know what it was that Sebastian gave Daniel.


The night was starless and the moon was covered my murky clouds that blended in with the rest of the sky. All of a sudden the storm broke. The rain fell like an ocean thrown from the sky. It crashed into the windows of the manor, splattered off the roof, and formed instant rivers that raced along the gutters and overwhelmed the drains. There was no thunder. Just this avalanche of water that threatened to drown the world.

Mirabella sat in her room. She just got out of the shower a few minutes ago. Her hair was still wet and didn't look dark brown, but raven. It glossed like the ocean in the night under the moonlight. She had on her warm pyjamas and she sat on the queen sized bed, her back pressed against the many pillows and cushions.

With a sigh, Mirabella fell back into the pillows as she started up at the ceiling, before she rolled over to turn off the lamp on the nightstand.

As she laid there, the rain still knocking on the windows loud and clear, Mirabella slowly began drifting off to sleep and the last thing she remembered hearing before she fell into a dream was an echoing scream.

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