Chapter 17 • A Barbecue And A Flat Tire

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The balcony window cast a checker board of brilliant sunlight onto the dark hardwood floor. The watery daylight pushed back at the darkened edges of dawn, reclaiming the colours of day that had been washed into grey by the moonlit night. The world came back like a freshly developed photograph, every colour bright and new. Mirabella opened her eyes fuzzily and closed them again, relishing the warmth of the covers draped tightly around her body. Even though she had woken up, she refused to leave the comfort of her bed just yet. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she felt a small gust of air on her neck.

And then her blankets nuzzled her neck.

Mirabella's eyes snapped open instantly. She was quick to notice what was wrong: Blankets do not nuzzle people...

It took her a few seconds to realise that it wasn't the warmth of her covers that she was savoring minutes ago, it was Daniel's. His arms were wrapped around her waist, his hands resting on her stomach. His chest was leaning towards her shoulder, and his face was buried in the crook of her neck. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt Daniel snuggle closer to her, his nose tracing her neck - for a split second, his lips brush her skin. Mirabella's cheeks turned a hundred different shades of red.

A part of her mind liked the intimacy, it felt oddly safe to be wrapped up in his arms, but she discarded the thought quickly. She tried to speak, but her voice had disappeared somewhere deep within her.

Very slowly she wiggled her way out from his arms, making sure not to wake him. In victory she mentality sighed and went to get ready.


She walked down the staircase and made her way to the kitchen where Bianca, Ilara and Helena were already seated at the table. Marbella sat down opposite Bianca and greeted everyone with a smile and a good morning.

"Aurora, don't run or you'll fall" Ariana said as she entered the kitchen from the garden. "Morning, ladies" she greeted and sat down next to Bianca.

"Can I have some orange juice?" Aurora asked as as she sat down next to Mirabella. Mirabella smiled and reached her hand out towards the glass bottle and poured the orange juice in a glass cup.

"Alessio, will you be coming with us too?" Ilara asked the young man once he sat down next to Helena.

Alessio nodded, but looked like he was in no mood to talk to anyone. "Awe," teased Bianca. "He misses his Vanessa." Everyone at the table laughed expect for Alessio. He looked at his sister with a look that could kill. He had been teased by his brother last night when they went out with Diego, and now it was Bianca's turn.

"I'll talk to you soon...okay, Ciao." Maria had entered the kitchen just as she finished speaking to someone on the phone. She looked at the people in the kitchen and greeted them with a good morning as she walked towards the head of the table and sat down.

"Who was that?" Ariana asked her mother.

"Oh, a friend of mine" Maria brushed off. "She asked if I wanted to go shopping with her, but since we are not in the city I had to decline. Must I explain myself to my own daughter now?" She asked. Ariana rolled her eyes and sighed.


"Can I go with uncle Daniel?" Aurora asked as they all walked out of the villa to get to the cars.

Ariana shook her head. "No, baby" she said. "Maybe on the way back you can, but you'll come with me for now, okay?" Aurora pouted and looked down at her shoes as she marched to the silver Mercedes and got in the back seat. "This girl," Ariana sighed as she closed her eyes and then opened them again as she walked towards the front passenger seat.

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