Chapter 15 • This Was A Plot Twist

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In this heat even the trees appear defeated. Two days ago some rain fell, large warm drops a that disappeared as soon as they struck the hot tarmac or else sucked into the dusty mud not leaving a trace. Her skin was glistening. She lifted the ice cold glass of sweet tea to her mouth and drank. She had been only in Rome for three days and she was leaving in two days time.

She placed the glass back down and pulled her phone out; 15:30 pm read the time. She locked her phone and then two hands covered her eyes.


"What?" Mirabella said, as she reached the bottom of the staircase. "She did what?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. This had to be a joke that Antonio had mastered and convinced everyone to play along.

"Did you head from her?" Her brother asked. "A call or text?"

Mirabella shook her head even though he couldn't see her. "No," she said. "She hasn't spoken to be since everyone came here."

"This girl," Alejandro sighed. "Alright, let me know if you find anything. Auntie is loosing her mind."

"I will."

Mirabella exhaled a sigh. She was still in shock. No one picked Vanessa for the type that would lie just so she could meet a boy. She was always the one that would be straight forward and say the truth, but this was new.

"Don't worry, zia" said Daniel as he spoke on the phone while he walked to the foyer of the mansion.

He ended the phone call and looked at Mirabella. He exhaled a small chuckle as he shook his head while tucking his phone inside the inside pocket of his jacket. "Alessio had gone off with some girl." he said.

Mirabella arched an eyebrow up at him. "A girl?" She said slowly, and then a thought came to her as though she had been struck by lightning. "Hang on, Vanessa is also missing..." there was a short pause as they stood putting together the pieces.


They had been on search for hours. The sky was beginning to loose it's clear blue and was turning into a painting of faded colours. Mirabella and Daniel were supposed to go to a restaurant for dinner, but they had to cancel and see the family because both Vanessa's mother and Alessio's mother were panicking. Everyone was out searching for the two runaways, but luck was not on their side.

Mirabella covered her mouth with her hand and yawned. "How dumb is your cousin?" She asked Daniel. "Why couldn't he ask her out properly on a date?"

Daniel shrug. "Maybe he didn't want to go through her father and thirty uncles that would have chased him out," he said as he took his eyes off the road for a moment to look at his wife. Mirabella rolled her eyes and turned her head to look outside the window while she tried to hide her smile.

Mirabella always knew that her family owned a house in Rome, but she had only been to the one in Sicily the few time's she came to visit Italy. They drove up a long driveway that had a handsome villa at the end with a fountain and cars. Mirabella undid her seat belt and walked up the steps and entered with Daniel behind her.

"They're here," Andrea said loudly, as she walked out of the living room.

"Where is my brother?" Mirabella asked, as they pulled apart from the hug.

"He's in the study," Andrea answered. "Your godmother threw a hurricane at the guys. They wouldn't even look her in the eye because they were terrified." Mirabella's godmother was the sweetest woman in the world, but she could also be terrifying when needed to.

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