Chapter Two

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Next morning

Liz's POV:

"But why?"

"Well for starters, it's the law," I argued with Emily.

"Who cares?" She asked, growing annoyed.

"Emily, give it up. You're going to school. End of discussion," I sighed.

"Fine," she began walking to the door.

"And I'm taking you," I called out.

"Ugh! Why? I have my license," Emily argued.

"Yes, but yesterday, you ditched school. So today, I will take you," I explained. Emily rolled her eyes.

"Mum, why can't you just let me have freedom?" Emily asked irritated.

"Well Em, every time I give you any freedom, you take advantage of it and do something wrong," I sighed.

"Saige has more freedom than I do, and she's thirteen," Emily argued.

"Saige isn't a troublemaker," I said.

"Yeah. She's just an art freak," Emily muttered.

"Excuse me. Your sister is very talented, and you should be proud. You used to be an art kid too. Not painting and drawing like Saige, but you liked singing and playing piano. It's been months since I last heard you sing or play piano. Has Kara had some sort of influence on you?" I questioned.

"Kara's my best friend. How dare you accuse her of being a bad influence," Emily snapped.

"Well, what else can I do? You won't open up to me. How can I know what's up if you won't tell me?" I asked, trying to hide my sadness. What happened to my sweet little girl?

"Here's what you can do. You can stay out of my business," Emily said coldly.

"What happened to you? You used to be such a good little girl. Where's my sweet daughter?" I asked.

"She's upstairs," Emily rolled her eyes.

"I didn't mean Saige. I meant you. You used to be a kind little girl who told me everything," I explained.

"Well, I'm not a kid anymore. I don't need you," Emily said.

"Even as a kid, you started locking me out. Why? Em, you can talk to me. I love you," I told Em, fighting back tears.

"Ugh! Mum! I don't need you! You act like you know me, but you don't!" Emily raised her voice.

"I know I don't know you! You don't tell me anything! Why can't you be like Saige?! She tells me everything!" I yelled back.

"Ugh! I'm not Saige! Get over it! I don't want to be anything like her!" Emily screamed.

"Well maybe you should! Maybe then you'd be kind and respectful towards your mother!" I screamed.

"Ugh! I hate you, Mum," Emily muttered. She left the house and went to where I hope was school.

"What's with all the screaming?" Connor asked coming downstairs. I turned to face him. Tears were running down my face. Connor engulfed me in a hug.

"What's wrong, babe?" He asked.

"What happened to my little girl? Em and I used to be so close. She hates me now," I sobbed.

"She doesn't hate you," Connor said.

"Really? Because she just said it again for the third time this week. I don't get it. What am I doing wrong?" I asked.

When I lost You (Fixing a Broken Heart Sequel | 3)Where stories live. Discover now