Chapter Five

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Isy's POV:

"I'm going for a walk", I told my dad who just gave me a nod as he watched tv.

I sighed walking out the front door. I wish I didn't have to spend time at my dad's house. The whole point is for him to spend time with me, yet he puts all his time towards Olivia and Ashley. Quite often I find myself wishing Tyler was my dad. He's such a good step-dad and always puts mum and I first. A part from the drama with dad, my mum is so happy and I thank Tyler for that.

I was deep in thought thought when the sound of bike bells brought me back to reality.

"Well well well, look who it is", Leigh smirked.

I tried to walk faster but it was no use.

"Trying to get away are we? Just like your parents tried to get away from you", she laughed loudly beside me.

"You don't know anything about me or my family so please stop."

"Aw, are you going to cry like a baby? You're such a whimp. My five year old brother is tougher than you", her laugh pierced my ears. "Guys", she looked back towards her friends, "have you heard about the circus coming to town? Isabella Byrd is the main act." All in sync, they burst into fits of laugher. "Lets go, spending too much time around her makes me feel ill. Bye Byrd" they rode off.

A tear started to trickle down my cheek, I wiped it away with the sleeve of my jumper. I want my mum to be here right now to tell me that everything would be alright, but I was ashamed to tell my mum about the torments at school that have now followed me home.

Liz's POV:

I looked outside watching Emily play with Max. I remember when we first bought him. Connor begged and begged but I just refused till I finally caved and we bought it as a birthday gift. Memories began flooding my mind of when Emily was little. Always so smiley and talkative. Traits that aren't so vivid now a days.

I took a breath before opening the sliding door. Talking to your child shouldn't make your heart thump out of your chest.

I walked over to her sitting on the sun chair petting Max.

"Hey", I spoke up.

"Hi", she said startled.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Um, sure go for it", the confusion on her face evident.

"I actually wanted to talk to you", I hesitated after a slight pause.

"Ah, I thought there was a catch", she smirked.

Finding the right words was always such a challenge when talking to my seventeen year old. One slip and she would be angry within seconds.

"Em, I don't really know how to say it, but I just wanted to talk to you about drinking."

"Mum, I already know. Otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here right now."

"No, I know. It's just- I just want you to really understand how dangerous it can be. If you're ever at a party, don't ever leave your drink somewhere and come back and continue drinking it because someone could-"

"Spike it? I know."

I breathed out heavily adding a nod.

"Right. And it's not a fun experience. It's absolutley terrifying. I know you want to be independent and I trust you with that, but if you get caught drinking by a police officer, you can get in serious trouble and I don't want that to happen, neither does your dad because we really do care about your safety Emily. I couldn't live with myself knowing something terrible happened to you."

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