Chapter Four

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Isabella's POV:

Ashley, Olivia, my dad, and I were all sitting at the table eating dinner. Olivia had picked us up a pizza. Ashley was telling my dad and Olivia about her day at school. Ashley and I are the same age, but we don't really get along. Well, I'm about a year older. We're kind of distant from each other.

"So Isy, how has school been for you?" My dad asked. Truthfully, I didn't want to talk about school. Leigh has made me hate going to school.

"Um it's okay. Nothing new," I said quietly.

"Oh," my dad said quietly, as Ashley continued to ramble about some drama going on in her grade. After we finished eating dinner, Olivia asked me to do the dishes. I hate that she always makes me do things. She never asks Ashley to do anything. Still, I obeyed so I wouldn't get into trouble.

As I washed the dishes, my dad walked in.

"You seemed quiet at dinner. Everything okay?" He asked. No. Nothing was okay. I witnessed my dad scream at my mother for no good reason.

"Yeah, everything's fine," I lied.

"You don't seem fine," my dad pressed.

"Dad? Am I the reason you and Mum got a divorce?" I asked hesitantly, fighting back tears.

"No. Why would you think that?" He asked seriously. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I hear stories about how great everything was, but whenever you talk about something after I was born, it's never a good story," I explained.

"Isy, don't be ridiculous. It's your mother's fault there was a divorce. She thought the world revolved around her," my dad grumbled, making me angry.

"That's not true! Mum has always been a great mother! She almost never says anything bad about you, but I have never heard you say anything kind about her! How do I know it's not your fault!? You're the one who had a baby with Olivia!" I yelled. I was never like this. I was always quiet and trying to be sweet. However, I couldn't stand to hear him say mean things about my mum.

"Isy, Olivia is perfect. She's better than Megan. You should be grateful you have Ashley and Olivia," he growled.

"Why? They hate me," I mumbled. My dad sighed.

"Go to your room, Isy." I didn't waste another second. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and grabbed my phone. I had a new text message.

Leigh: you're unlovable

Unlovable? Why would someone say that? What's wrong with me? Tears streamed down my face. I texted Emily.

Isy: why won't Leigh quit?

Emily: what did she say this time??

Isy: she texted me saying I was unlovable

Emily: what? Isy, that's crazy. You're the sweetest, most lovable person I've ever known. Ignore Leigh. She's just a mean person

Isy: but why to me?

Emily: I don't know. I'm sorry Isy.

I didn't reply. Instead, I scrolled through my contacts and clicked on my mum's icon. She picked up after three rings.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Mum," I sobbed.

Megan's pov:

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