Chapter Three

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Liz's POV:

"So I got to show the grade 7 students how to use the water colours today. It was so much fun! And Mrs Rogers said I can help out in art class which runs on Tuesdays at lunchtime!" I watched my daughter speak about her day, the sparkle in her eye visible as her passion for art was evident.

"That's awesome babe, seems like you had a pretty good day."

"Definitely. Where's dad?" Saige questioned before returning to type on her laptop.

"I am home", Connor's voice echoed from the front door. "Hey princess", he kissed Saige on the head before walking over to me and planting a kiss on my lips.

"How was work?"

"Not too shabby today."

As Connor began to talk about his day at the mines, the phone began to ring.

"Hello? No, however this is her mother. Wait, return uniform? What are you- oh yes, I'll be sure to let her know. Thank you, bye."

"Who was that?" Connor grabbed an apple from the fruitbowl.

"That was Emily's boss from work. He would like her to return her uniform so she can get her last pay check", I ran a stressed hand through my blonde hair.

"Last pay check, Emily quit? I wasn't aware of that and judging by the look on your face neither were you."

"If Emily quit her job and it's Thursday... than where is she right now?" Saige enquired.

"Oh my goodness", I said realising that Emily had been lying about her whereabouts on Thursdays.

Half an hour later

Connor's POV:

Another day, another problem with Emily. I couldn't believe she had quit her job and neither Liz or I picked up on it. It was after dinner and we were waiting upon her arrival.

Standing in the kitchen with my wife, we heard the front door open and close.

"Emily, kitchen please", I hollered. Before long she appeared around the cornor with her hands in her jacket pocket.


"You quit your job and you didn't didn't bother to tell your mother and I?" As soon as I began to question her, her face dropped as she realised she was caught out. "Why Em? Why did you quit?"

"I-I just did okay."

"Before you know it you're going to be in college and you need to save money."

"Well I'll get a job than", she shrugged

I sighed before continuing.

"Well where have you being instead of work on Thursdays?"


"You know I won't take that as an answer, answer properley Emily."

"Kara's. I go to Kara's on Thursdays because if I stayed home you'd ask why I wasn't at work."

"Thank you. Go have your dinner please", she turned around leaving Liz and I alone again.

"She's already grounded what more can we do", I shook my head looking at Liz.

Isabella's POV:

The bell went indicating 7th period was over. I picked up my books and walked out of the classroom and to my locker which was down the hall. I put my locker code in and put my chemistry text book on the top shelf of my locker. Looking at my time table I saw that I have music last period.

When I lost You (Fixing a Broken Heart Sequel | 3)Where stories live. Discover now