Chapter Twelve

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*Two days later*

Megan's pov:

Liz has stayed at my house the last forty eight hours. She's been staying in the guest room. She has been too nervous to go home. I can't believe Connor scared her that bad. I've been through abuse before, and I've always hoped that Liz, Emily, Saige, and Isy would never go through it.

Why is everything falling apart? Liz got drunk. Connor hurt her. Emily and I haven't spoken in at least a week. Saige hasn't been doing any art projects. Two weeks ago, Isy was having fun with Tyler, and now she won't even speak to him unless she has to. She stays in her bedroom most of the time. I'm still trying to win this stupid custody battle. I never imagined I could ever be this stressed. The worst part is, I have no one to talk to. Liz is so stressed, and I don't want to give her more weight. Emily won't talk to me. I haven't felt comfortable talking to Tyler lately. Isy and Cameron have me so confused in my head. I know Tyler would never hurt me, but just the flashbacks are enough to make me feel like I'm going insane.

Deciding I needed a break, I went to go check on Liz. I entered the guest room to find her making the bed. It was one in the afternoon. Was she just getting up?

"Hey, Liz," I greeted her.

"Hi, Megan," Liz said.

"Liz, are you gonna work things out with Connor? Connor, Saige, and Emily must be scared sick," I told her. Liz shrugged.

"Considering Emily wants me dead, I highly doubt she cares that I left. Saige. My poor Saige. She had to see me drunk. I'm the worst mum," Liz said as tears welled up in her eyes. She sat on the bed and put her face in her hands. I walked over and sat next to her. I rubbed her back.

"Liz, you made a mistake. And you regret it. You are not the worst mum. Saige and Em love you so much," I told her.

"Emily doesn't love me! She hates me!" Liz suddenly yelled. She began to sob. I continued to rub her back.

"Liz, she's a teenager. She acts like she hates you, but she loves you so much. She'd feel terrible if she knew she made you feel this bad," I tried to soothe Liz.

"No, she wouldn't," Liz whimpered. Talking about Emily clearly wasn't making the situation better, so I left Emily out of the conversation.

"Then go back for Saige and for Connor. I'm sure Connor's sorry. Have you spoken at all?" I asked.

"The night I left, he called asking where I was. I was too scared to answer the phone, so I sent him a text, saying I was with you and begging him not to come here and hurt me. I never thought I'd have to beg my husband not to hit me," Liz shakily said.

"Liz, I don't think you really meant that. You were still drunk and a bit shaken up. You didn't really believe he'd hit you, did you?" I asked concerned. Liz shook her head and signed.

"No. You're right. I was just shaken up," Liz said.

"Hey, Liz? Connor has never actually hit you, has he?" I asked, nervous of what her response would be. I'd never forgive myself if Connor was abusing Liz, and I didn't know about it.

"No, Megan. Don't worry. He's never hit me. I promise," Liz assured me. I nodded. Liz stood up and wiped her tears.

"I need to go work things out with Connor," Liz said, trying to be firm, but her voice shook.

"Okay, Liz. You do what needs to be done. And remember, my door is always open to you," I told her seriously. Liz nodded.

"Thank you, Megan. I love you," Liz hugged me.

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