Chapter Eight

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One week later

Liz's pov:

It's been a crazy past seven days with Emily punching a seventh grader, finding out about Isy getting bullied, Megan fighting for full custody,and the car accident. It's incredible that none of us have had an emotional break down. We're all so stressed right now. However, like always, we'll get through it.

I was shocked and saddened to hear that Isy was getting bullied. Isy is the sweetest girl. She's a good girl. Never does anything wrong. Is kind to everyone. Who would want to cause her pain? Megan told me the things Leigh did to Isy. What a disgusting little girl. I hate that Isy was hiding her pain from all of us. Doesn't she know she can come to us?

I am extremely proud of Emily. Typically, mothers aren't excited to hear that their seventeen year old daughter punched a thirteen year old girl. However, Leigh had it coming. I'm glad Emily did it. It means I don't have to do it myself. I think Emily expected to be in trouble for hitting Leigh. She seemed surprised that Connor and I weren't angry.

Seeing how good of an actress Isy was at hiding her secret about being bullied worries me. I hope that Saige is never that good at lying. I hope she never feels like she can't come to me, Connor, or even Emily. I know Emily can be awful towards Saige, but if she found out someone was picking on her little sister, I know she'd stop it real fast.

It's eye opening how quick time flies and things happen. With Emily's car accident last week, it's made me want to hold both my daughters closer and tighter. Of course, Emily wants nothing to do with that though. I know it wasn't a serious car accident, but it could've been so much worse. It's been years since I've seen Emily panic like she did that night. She looked terrified.

Unfortunately, now she's nervous about cars again. She doesn't drive if she doesn't have to. She asks Connor or myself for rides just so she doesn't have to. That's strange for Emily. The day she got her license, she didn't want us driving her anywhere. Now, that's all she wants.

Saige was at her friend's house. They were doing homework together. I was supposed to pick her up, but I needed to go to the store. Saige was on one side of town, and the store was on the other. Needless to say, I didn't want to drive that far.

"Em!" I called. Emily entered the kitchen. She was holding Max, our dog.

"Yeah?" She asked. Nervously, I began to speak.

"Emily, can you please go pick up Saige from Abby's house? I need to go to the store, and I don't wanna drive all over town," I explained. I saw a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Why can't I walk to the store, and you go get Saige?" Emily asked.

"Sweetie, the store is too far a walk. Please just go get Saige," I sighed, not in the mood to argue.

"I don't want to drive," Emily whispered, looking at the floor.

"Face your fears, remember?" I asked hopefully. I really wanted to help my daughter. Emily rolled her eyes.

"Mum, I'm not four anymore," she muttered.

"It worked last week when you were flipping out," I retorted. Emily huffed.

"How about if we drive together? I'll sit in the passenger seat, and you drive. I'll be there for support," I suggested. I really didn't want to go all over town, but if it would help Emily, it was worth it.

"No, Mum. I'm not a little kid. I don't need my mummy driving with me to make sure I'm safe," Emily said annoyed.

"Well, excuse me for trying to help. Go pick up Saige," I said, rather coldly. I was done arguing with her at the moment.

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