Chapter Nine

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Connor's POV:

"You will do extra chores around the house and when your mother or I ask you to do something, you do it straight away without a debate. Understood?"

I glanced over at Emily who was holding her head as she looked out the window. She was lucky this time round as the police officer let her off with a warning. I never thought in a million years that I would have to get up in the middle of the night to pick up one of my daughters from a police station.

"Also, you'll be taking your sister to school and picking her up and taking her home on top of that."

"No", she mumbled.

"Don't argue back Emily Mae, you're already in enough trouble as it is. The officer might have let you off, but I sure as hell won't be."

"Dad, stop the car", she suddenly spoke up.


"Stop the car."



I let out a heavy sigh before signalling to go onto the side of the road. Within seconds the passanger door was opened and Emily's head was out the door vomiting, forcing myself to rub my hands over my face due to the stress my seventeen year old was causing me.

It's like a vicious cycle with Emily. When you think she's finally ready to grow up and be mature, she does something that completely ruins it.

* At Home *

"How much did she drink?" Liz asked lying on her back in bed staring at the ceiling.

"She's not sober enough to say, but I know it was a hell of a lot. Probably mixed drinks."

"Babe, what is up with Kara's parents? Are they ever home?"

"By the looks of it no, but I'm guessing that's why Kara is how she is."

"What do you mean?"

"Her parents don't give her the time of day. Kara wouldn't admit it, but obviously it upsets her so she uses partying and what not to avoid the feeling."

"Are we bad parents?"

"What no, Lizzie of course not", I said sitting on the bed next to her. "Emily's obviously dealing with things we don't know about, hence some of her decisions. Look at Saige, she's such a good kid. She has a heart of gold and that's because she has a mum like you", I moved a hand through her hair watching a smile appear on her face.

"Belmont", she smiled.

"Unbelievable right?" I smiled feeling proud of our daughter.

"I really hope she takes the offer. I don't know why she hates playing so much now. She just... stopped."

"Maybe we can talk to her in a few days, let the whole situation cool down first."

"You know when I punished Saige for saying what she did about Emily driving, she was totally fine with it. If that was Em, I would have had my head ripped off", she laughed.

"She's so laid back Saige", I laughed. "Hey, it's 3 in the morning go back to sleep. I'll check on Em. I love you", I leant over and gave my wife a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you too", she rolled onto her side and drifted off to sleep.

Walking down the hall towards the girls bathroom, I could already hear the sound of vomiting from a distance. I was in for one heck of a night.

When I lost You (Fixing a Broken Heart Sequel | 3)Where stories live. Discover now