Chapter Thirteen

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Connor's POV:

It had been two days since Liz has returned home. Although Saige was still loud and outgoing, she was nowhere near as bubbly as she usually is because of the condition she saw Liz in which really frightened her. Emily on the other hand... well she's still Emily. She hasn't spoken a word to Liz and stays in her room for most of the day. It really made my heart break seeing Emily's reaction to what happened because she clearly didn't allow for Liz to explain her action.

Within the past two months, so much has happened in the both the McDonough and Murphy household. Megan's courtdate is slowly creeping up within the next week or so, Isy is having trouble accepting Tyler's past and Megan has had to deal with all of that making her extremely stressed.

I was so sick and tired of all this drama going on that I needed to organise a family meeting to settle everything.

"Okay, I said 5:00 so they should be here soon", I looked down at my watch than back up through the window.

"Hopefully we can sort some things out!" Liz said hopefully. I had my arms wrapped around her petite body only to have Liz gasp in pain.

"What's wrong, are you alright?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, my hips just a bit sore. I think I have a bruise", her response instantly made me upset. Her hip was sore because I did that, I did that to my wife.

"I'm so sorry Lizzie", I said kissing her shoulder softly.

"Connor, we've talked about this a hundred times already. I know you didn't mean to push me. I was in your face and you just didn't know what to do, you panicked. A bruise isn't permanent, okay?" She lifted her hand and placed it on my cheek. "I love you baby", she said bringing my lips down to hers.

"I love you. So much", I smiled kissing her before a knock on the door interrupted us.

"Emily, Saige! The Murphy's are here!" I shouted near the stairs and joined Liz by the front door.

Tyler was standing besides Megan, his arm slightly wrapped around her waist and Isy was in front of them smiling. Although Isy was smiling, you could easily recognise it was forced.

Once we all said our hello's and Emily and Saige joined us, we all made our way into the family living room. Tyler and Megan sat on the big lounge together, Emily and Isy found their spot next to one another, whilst Saige sat in on of the single lounge chairs with Liz sitting on the armrest above her.

"Okay, so thank you Megan, Tyler and Isy for coming over we really aprpeciate it. So um, some of you may be confused with why I invited everyone over, and the reason behind it is that lately this family has been under a lot of stress. Now it's perfectly normal to feel stressed every and now, but this has been happening for the past two months. Now, some things are completely out of our control and that's fair enough. But it seems like we're causing one another to stress, so the reason we decided to have this meeting is to just get whatever we need to off our chest and into the open.

I know it's probably not how you want to spend your Thursday night, but we need this, as a family. So anyone like to start?"

I looked at everyone one at a time only to see them either looking down or at one another.


"I'm really stressed because of the custody battle", Megan blurted out taking not only me but everyone by surprise. Everyone immediately turned their heads to Megan, besides Emily who continued to look down. "I've let it consume me and I know I shouldn't, but it's really important to me. I want Isy to be with me because she deserves to be in a home where she's loved and appreciated. And I'm sorry if I've said some things that may have hurt anyone's feelings. I shouldn't blame it on what's going on and I'm just really sorry if I have hurt your feelings in the past few months."

When I lost You (Fixing a Broken Heart Sequel | 3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin