Chapter Eighteen

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*Next Day*

Connor's POV:

"Emily, what you did last night is unacceptable behaviour. We have told you countless times that you can't just sneak out of the house without either one of us knowing. And I thought we were finished with the underage drinking, but apparently not."

"Look, I can handle my drinks, it's fine."

"Emily that's not the point! The point is that is ILLEGAL to drink underage. What if cops came to the party to shut it down? Do you realise the trouble you'd be in?"

"Already feels like I'm in jail anyway", she sighed rolling her eyes.

"You wouldn't last a day behind bars. Emily, you are so lucky. You go to a good school. You get good grades, you have immense talent and a family that loves you. You just take that all for granted and I'm sick of it."

She just remained quiet.

"Look, you're going to be 18 in a few months and you need to get your act together. Because I am terrified that I will wake up in the middle of the night to a phone call saying you aren't alive anymore. Do you know how much that scares your mum and I?"

"Mum would be happy," she mumbled under her breath.

"No I wouldn't," Liz's suddenly appeared in the study. "Emily Mae, I love you more than words can say. You have this idea in your head that I don't, but I do. I hate when you go and do these things because I worry about your safety. I don't want something bad to happen to you. I don't want guys taking advantage of you. You may be able to 'handle your drinks' as you say, but that doesn't mean anything when you're a 17 year old girl."

I looked back over at Emily who was just sitting there quietly.

"Your mum and I have been talking and we've decided that we'd think it would be beneficial for you to attend one of your mum's therapy sessions."

"What?" She looked up at the both of us. "I don't need to talk to somebody, I'm not crazy."

Immediately I knew Liz was hurt.

"Stop saying that Emily. Nobody in this house is 'crazy', okay?" I raised my voice before lowering it again. "Clearly you have strong emotions and you're dealing with a lot. It'd be a really good way to just let all that out."

"No. I'm not going."

"Emily, it can be good for you. If you won't speak to us, you have to talk to somebody. These are professionals, they do this for a living. They want to help you. You've been through so much in your life."

"I can handle it without talking to someone."

"Emily, we all know that's not true. We walk on egg shells around you because we know that any little thing will make you upset or angry."

"Well maybe if you all stopped saying or doing stupid things we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."

"Having this conversation? Emily, I obviously need to remind you why we are sitting here right now having this conversation. I believe it was YOU that decided to sneak out of the house without telling your mother and I, and I believe it was YOU who decided to consume large amounts of alcohol and return home in a drunken state. Am I correct."

"Yes", she mumbled.

"Emily, am I correct?" I raised my voice again.

"Yes dad", she shouted.

"Lose the attitude. You will be attending therapy tomorrow at 3:30 with your mother. If I hear that you are being a problem for your mother, you better watch out because I will not have any of it. Do you hear me Emily?"

When I lost You (Fixing a Broken Heart Sequel | 3)Where stories live. Discover now