Chapter Seven

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Liz's POV:

My heart raced as Connor and I drove to the scene of the crash in an instance. On the way we dropped Saige off at Connor's brother's house to make sure she was looked after.

Connor held my hand firmly as we arrived to flashing flights.

"Emily!" I called in hesterics racing over to her car.

"Aunt Liz", Isabella ran up to me and hugged me tightly crying into my chest.

"What happened?" I said in shock, rubbing her back..

"A drunk driver hit us."

Anger bubbled up inside of me. How could somebody be so irresponsible?!

"Where's Emily?" I asked in a panic.

"Over there with the paramedics", she barely even finished her sentence as I spotted Emily sitting on the side of the road with a male and female paramedic. Connor stayed behind comforting Isy.

"Emily", I said running over to my daughter. The closer I got, the more I realised that she was shaking quite visibly. "Sweet heart", I said crouching down in front of her.

"Mrs McDonough is it?" The female paramedic asked.

"Yes, I'm her mother. What's going on? Is she alright? Is she going to the hospital?" I asked question after question.

"Mrs McDonough, everything is going to be alright. At the moment your daughter is having a severe panic attack, we're just calming her down as we speak. And as for the hospital, yes, Emily will need to come back to get some tests done."

I looked over at my usually strong headed daughter who was now sitting before me shaking uncontrollably and gasping for air.

"Sweetie, I'm here alright? Everything is going to be alright. Deep breaths" and for the first time in what felt like centuries, she reached out for my hand. "I'm here. Deep breaths."

"Emily, do you feel light headed at all, any dizziness?" The paramedic asked.

All Emily could do was nod her head quickly. "Okay, she also informed us that she has tingling sensations within her body which are perfectly normal symptoms of panic attacks."

I turned around to the sound of a car door slamming shut. I got up walking towards my sister.

"What the hell was Emily thinking?!" She shouted as she reached me.

"Excuse me?"

"She could have killed Isabella and herself! I can't believe I was stupid enough to let my daughter in the car with yours!

"Woah Megan, you need to calm down!" Connor spoke up leaving a worried Tyler beside Isy.

"Calm down? My daughter was just in a wreck!"

"So was ours! Look at Isy", he paused, "yes she's most certanly shaken up, but she's not the one having a full blown panic attack right now is she?" His words clearly making Megan become speechless as she glanced over at Emily who was guided into the ambulance. "Before you start accusing anyone and pointing the finger, Emily was not at fault, a drunk driver hit them."

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't realise. I just freaked out, I'm so sorry", tears began to cloud her eyes.

"It's fine, don't worry at least they're safe now", I said embracing Megan in my arms.

*** At the hospital ***

Emily's POV:

The moment the car hit Isy and I, I have never been so scared in my life. When mum arrived I so badly wanted to say something... that I was scared. But no words would come out as all I could do was gasp for air. All my arms could do were shake as the tingling took over my body.

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