Chapter Eleven

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Megan's POV:

After assuring Tyler that the past was the past, he went up to take a shower so I decided now was a good time to call Cameron. I can't believe him. I can't believe he would go out of his way to share that information with our daughter. Isy was never meant to find out about that, ever. And out of all people Cameron was the one to share it.

I scrolled through my phone contacts and tapped on his name. His mobile phone rang three times before he answered causing me to pace.


"How dare you! How dare you Cameron!" Not even 5 seconds into the call and I was already raising my voice.

"What's your problem Megan?"

"What did you say to her?"

"I don't know-"

"Drop the fucking act and tell me right now!"

"Woah, I just told her the basic facts. How that husband of yours abused you and what not."

"Cameron, they are not 'basic' facts. You know very well that Isabella was not meant to find out about that and the only darn reason you did it was because you were pissed off that your daughter calls you by your first name."

"It's not like I lied to her geez Megan. You were just going to lie to her, her whole life."

"She wasn't even in our lives yet when that happened! It didn't involve her and now you've brought her into it. So thank you so much Cameron."

"Most welcome", he responded in a mocking tone before he hung up.

"AHHHH", I yelled throwing my phone onto the couch.

First this custody battle and now this. I was nearly at my breaking point. I can't remember the last time that everything was fine and I was content with every aspect of my life.

Liz's POV:

I was extremely dissapointed in Emily for ruining Saige's art project. Saige put in countless hours towards it only to have it ruined by her sister who in fact ecnouraged her to do it in the first place.

I know Connor already tried to talk to her about it, but I couldn't just ignore what happened.

I turned into the hallway and knocked on Emily's door.

"What?" She called out not a manner to be heard.

"It's me, can I come in?" There was a slight pause before she responded.


I turned the handle sliding my other hand into the back pocket of my jeans. Emily was surprisingly doing homework.

"Hey, so um... I know you're father already talked to you about the whole Saige thing, but um I just wanted to speak to you myself... kind of understand the situation a little better that's all", I stumbled on my words as I rubbed the side of my neck.

I heard her sigh heavily, slightly pausing than beginning to write again.

"Em, I understand you were angry at your sister for telling us about Belmont, but ruining something she worked so hard on was really not the right option."

"I don't care mum, she made a promise and she broke it. A promise is a promise."

"You're the one who encouraged her to do it though. The one thing that was stopping her from even doing it in the first place was you. She cared about what YOU thought."

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