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Please listen to Best Mistake - Ariana Grande.

Not sure if the storyline goes with the song but who cares.



The train music played very quietly.

I placed my headphones in and let the music flow through my ears.

'How soon do we forget
How we felt
Dealing with emotions
That never left
Playing with the hand that
We were dealt
In this game'

I was heading home from a basketball tournament.

I've never had a boyfriend and I'm 18, crazy right?

I've always wondered if it was true, when you meet someone you know that your meant to be. Or that when you kiss a whole zoo will explode in your stomach.

'Maybe I'm the sinner
And you're the saint
Gotta stop pretending
What we ain't
Why we pointing fingers
When we're the same'

Some times I'm teased, by my friends, for not having a boyfriend, but my parents will never allow it until I graduate.

I don't want to lie to them to make them think I'm cool, I hate lying.

I've always wanted to have a story related romance with someone. Does anyone have a relationship like they do in the movies?

'Break up, make up
Total waste of time
Can we please make up
Our minds
And stop acting like we're blind'

I've always thought of having a relationship but what if we've been together for a long time then we break up?

I'll be heartbroken, I don't ever want to go through that.

Imagines years with someone, but then you break up with them, it's just a total waste of time.

''Cause if the water dries up, and the moon stops shining
Stars fall, and the world goes blind
Boy, you know I'll be saving my love for you,
For you'

The doors finally opened at my stop, and I hopped off the train heading for the escalator.

Suddenly a masculine body came collided with mine, we both fell onto the floor.

He was on top of me and quickly stood up and brushed himself off.

"Oh my... I'm so sorry, I didn't see you their." He said giving me a hand to stand up.

I politely took his hand a hoisted myself up.

"It's okay, don't sweat." I said, chuckling.

He just stood their staring at me, was their something on my face?

I awkwardly coughed and he finally snapped back into reality.

"I'm Caspar." He said holding his hand out.

"Y/N." I said shaking it.

'Cause you're the best mistake I've ever made.'

Caspar Lee ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now