•Results (Important Info!)•

186 7 7

So guys! I went on my computer to go on wattpad and I went on this thing that says what ages people read my books & gender & what country.

So guys! I went on my computer to go on wattpad and I went on this thing that says what ages people read my books & gender & what country

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I just felt so happy that people read from other country's and other stuff so I decided to share it with you!

10-18 = 36%
18-25 = 36%
25-35 = 3%
35-45 = 6% <~~~~~~~~ I was like 😱
45+ = 1%
Private = 18%


Girls = 80% <~~~~~~ Gurllls rule!
Boys = 1% <~~~~I can't imagine this😂
Private = 18%

Girls = 80%  <~~~~~~ Gurllls rule!Boys = 1% <~~~~I can't imagine this😂Private = 18%

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United Kingdom = 32.9% of readers

Ireland = 3.7% of readers

Netherlands = 1.2% of readers

Belgium = 2.5% of readers

Germany = 1.2% of readers

Czech Rep. = 1.2% of readers

Slovakia = 1.2% of readers

Switzerland = 1.2% of readers

Italy = 1.2% of readers

Egypt = 1.2% of readers

(There are so many 1.2% of readers!😂😂👌🏼 not complaining tho😂)

United Arab Em. = 1.2% of readers

India = 1.2% of readers

Australia = 6.3% of readers

New Zealand = 2.5% of readers

Argentina = 1.2% of readers

Brazil = 2% of readers

Mexico = 3% of readers

United States = 35.4% of readers

Canada = 2.5% of readers

Philippines = 1.2% of readers

Wow guys! 20 countries in total, well I live in the Uk so basically 19😂

I love all of you and I thank you all for reading, maybe if you comment up there where you are reading from it would mean the world to me!

Sorry if I missed any countries out, but I shouldn't have because I checked very thoroughly!

I've been a fan of Caspar Lee for quite a long time now, and for me to right a imagines book for him and thousands of other people are reading it like, I think I'm gonna cry. I live so close to him, it feels so weird that I might bump into him one day.

Maybe if there's any other way I can thank you other than say it please comment or DM me!

I promise that I will try to update more but I'm really hungover on school work! It's the weekends now so hopefully I can get some more done!

OH! And I almost forgot...

I BOUGHT A SIGNED ADDITION OF CASPAR'S NEW BOOK! (Comment if you pre-ordered his book!) I'm so excited to get it, but it doesn't come out until May 31st. Anywayss...

I love you guys so much! xx

❤️Amy xoxo💜

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