•38 (Part 2)•

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This is just me going with the flow, I haven't had time to go over it so I'm sorry if it's not good quality. I'm stressing so baddd.


"W-wait what?"

"You zoned out. Anyways, you wanna go?"

I nodded my head.


"So, where we heading." Caspar asked while buckling up his seatbelt.

I called dibs so I got to sit in the passenger seat.

"Browns." I say.

"Cool. I heard that they do the most delicious pizza!"

"Well you do love you pizza don't you little bro?" Theo teasing said while squeezing his cheeks.

Caspar blushed and slapped her hand away. He started the engine and drove.

I looked out the window and felt a cold hand on my knee. I raised my eyebrow at Caspar, he just smirked.

What's with this kid?

"We're here!" Caspar yelled, removing his hand.

A frown fell upon my face when he removed his hand, then my door was opened with Caspar standing with his hand out.

"M'lady." He said slightly bowing. I took his hand and hopped out the car. "Why thank you Mr. Lee." I was about to let go of his hand but he just gripped it tighter.

I saw Theo and she raised a confused eyebrow at me. I mouthed 'I Don't Know' to her but she just smile.

Once we got to Browns, Theo dragged me back and Caspar went to get seats.

"What's up Theo?"

"Nothing..." She trailed of staring into the distance.

Why is everyone acting so weird?

Theo got a message and her eyes instantly lit up.

"Who's that?" I ask nosily.

"Nobody. Now come on!" She said dragging my arm into the restaurant.

We saw Caspar, waving his hands in the air trying to get out attention.

_____Time Warps 45 minutes later_____

Caspar and Theo had been on their phones for ages.

"I'm gonna go to the toilet." Theo said suddenly, leaving me and Caspar alone.


"Soooo..." I carried on.

I heard him mutter "Fuck it." Then he came over and kneeled down to me.

"Y/N, I've loved you ever since I've laid eyes on you. I thought dating someone else would make those feelings fade, but it didn't. Theo found out that I liked you and she totally accepted it." He breathed out.

"Would you be my Girlfriend, Y/N."

"Of course!"

Caspar Lee ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now