•42 (Part 1)•

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•Y/N's POV•

Here it is. A white envelope containing the information that I needed to know, if I've been accepted or not.

My mother stood quietly watching me, waiting for me to open it. "Well what are you waiting for darling?" She said.

My fingers slowly peel off the opening of the envelope and took out the letter.

I took a deep breath and opened up the letter, I skimmed my eyes over the writing and my eyes instantly lit up and my lips curved into a massive smile.

Dear Y/N,
                   I'm delighted to tell you that we have accepted your application form for NYC! We are glad to welcome you into the school, we will email all the details to your legal guardians.

From, The head of NYC.

I jumped and screeched with joy, I leaped into my mothers arms as she embraced me into a warm hug.

"I made it Mum! I'm going to New York University, this has been my dream for so long!"

"Now all your dreams are slowly coming true." She said while grinning widely.

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to go, and I can't wait to tell C-Caspar. Wait... Caspar! He's gonna be so mad at me isn't he? I-I." My mum cut me off by putting a finger on my lip.

"He should be glad and happy for you, if he isn't then you shouldn't let a boy interfere with your dreams."

"Okay. Thanks mum." I hugged her and quickly jogged upstairs to my bedroom.

What do I tell Caspar? I'm moving to America and he's going on tour soon enough.

I decided to text Caspar to come over.

Y/N: Babe could you come over please,
it's important.

Caspar: Sure... Right now?

Y/N: Yes please xx

Caspar: Okay I'll be there in 10 x

After thinking about what I was gonna say to Caspar, their was a knock on my bedroom door.

There stood my perfect boyfriend of 2 years.

"Uh, your mum let me in." He says.

I nod and pat a seat of my bed for him to sit down.

I took his hands and held them, forcing my tears to go away.

"Babe? What's wrong?" Caspar asks.

"Y-You're gonna be m-mad at me."

"You didn't cheat on me did you?" He asks sternly.

"No!" I reply, with tears falling down my face.

His face automatically softened and wiped the tears of my face.

I pointed to the envelope sitting on my desk, signalling him to read it.

He picked it up, he opened it and read it. His facial expression changing from confusion, happiness then anger.


"I-I didn't actually think t-that I would get in..." I whispered.

"You're gonna be on the other side of the world, what am I gonna do without you?"

"You're going on tour Caspar. You can meet plenty of other girls who would be just right for you Caspar." I said.

My heart ached to even have to say that but it needs to be done.

"W-What are you saying?"

"I-I just can't do long distance. I don't even know when I'll be back, we'll have no time for a relationship. I'll be studying and you'll be touring, it just won't work."

"So what? You are gonna chuck 2 years of a great relationship? For what? A stupid university?"

"This University is my future! I thought you would be happy for me but no. JUST GET OUT!" I yelled.

"Gladly." He said.

He just walked out.

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