1. Handkerchief

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!!! Book is old and sometimes quite edgy or stupid, but if you plan on continuing reading, remember this warning, and I hope you enjoy ^^  Also, I'm in the progress of cleaning it up, so some (A/N) have been deleted while others are still there !!!


What was love? You didn't know... You knew hatred, you knew pain. You knew what it meant to be hurt. You didn't know how to give love, and you didn't know how to receive it. Your parents died when you were little, giving you no other choice but to live with your uncle. He had a long history of being an alcoholic, so when he heard he had to look after a snot-nosed kid, you could guess at his reaction. You were shaped into the person you were today because of his constant shouting, beat-downs and abuse. Almost emotionless, cold-hearted and depressed.

You didn't have any friends, but you didn't really care. You made sure every day was the same and forced yourself a strict routine. You knew what would happen if you slipped one place out of line.


Wake up, shower, dry and brush hair, style it, get dressed, make lunch, stay away from your uncle, pack school bag and attend classes. Then to work hard, get good grades, eat lunch behind the school, go to the library and study, go to class again. Finally, go home and get beat, go to your room, do homework, take another shower, do more homework and finally sleep.

A simple routine, excluding some things, that all changed when two Italians transferred into your class, and one just so happened to sit next to you.

[Monday - 6:30am - Home - First Meeting]

You woke up, as usual, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and brushing your hair aside your vision. The sun shone partially through your window, blocked by the dusty curtains. Your body ached as you dragged yourself out of your bed and trudged towards the bathroom. You took a shower and dried and styled your hair into its normal hairstyle. After that, you crept your way downstairs, careful not to step on the creaky parts of the stairs. Once you'd got down, you went to the kitchen. Looks like he wasn't here, he was probably passed out unconscious in some bar somewhere. You made yourself a simple sandwich for your lunch, and you knew you'd never eat much of it, but you took it anyway.

After you'd finished your early morning routine you opened new the door and walked to school. The scenery was boring. Same old houses, same old people walking their dogs, same old everything. But two people caught your eye, they stuck out like a sore thumb.

They looked quite alike, although one of them had a darker shade of brown hair than the other and looked a lot more grumpy, but they had the same silly looking curl sticking out from the side of their heads. They had Italian accents which they showed off quite loudly as they were bickering on the side of the street. As you walked past, you tried listening in to their conversation.

"Look what you've done idiota!" The darker-haired man said, pointing an accusing finger at the lighter-haired Italian, who shrunk back slightly in response. He waved his hands frantically in front of himself.

"But it wasn't me! Why didn't you call big brother Spain to pick us up in his car?" He said, seemingly less loud and more innocently than the other.

"I wouldn't ask that tomato bastard for anything if he was the last person on earth! This is all your fault, Feliciano!" He said, folding his arms crossly.

"Aw, come on Lovi.." The one known as 'Feliciano' said, then the supposed 'Lovi's' facial expression turned even more agitated than before, if that was even possible, and he shoved his brother harshly into your direction.

"Don't call me that!" He shouted angrily, as Feliciano came hurtling towards you, knocking you down onto the floor with a painful thump.



Both of you let out your own variations of screams as you fell to the floor. You felt your arms scrape against the floor painfully as you came into impact with the cold pavement. The Italian on top of your groaned in pain.

"Owowowwowow..." He mumbled. He glanced behind him, his eyes meeting yours, and a look of panic set on his features as he realised what happened. He quickly jumped off you and tried to help you up. "I'm so sorry bella! I didn't know you were there! I swear, I'll make it up to you with pasta! You forgive me right?! I can make all the pasta you want!" He shouted frantically, bowing his head apologetically. "I'm so-"

"It's fine," you cut him off, giving him a cold and simple response. He stopped bowing his head and looked up at you.

"Are you sure it's okay? You don't want pasta?" He said grabbing both of your hands. You shook your head. "Ve~ Thank goodness.." He sighed in relief. "Hey, what's your name?" He asked joyfully.

"(F/N)," You answered plainly.

"I'm Feliciano! And this is my brother Lovino!" He said shaking your hands. Your sleeve slipped down, revealing the bloody, red scrape on your arm from earlier when you'd fallen other. Feliciano turned pale.

"Aaaggh!!" He screamed. "Your hurt! Look your arm's bleeding! This is all our fault, please don't kill me!" He said frantically in a panicked tone. His brother behind him let out an annoying sigh and stomped towards you both. He grabbed a red, green and white handkerchief from his pocket.

"Just get out my way idiota!" He said as he shoved his panicked brother out the way. He stepped in front of you and hastily tied the cloth around your bleeding wrist. While tying the knot at the top of your wrist, he noticed a lot more cuts and bruises that peppered their way up your arm. His eyes widened slightly. "Hey..." He trailed off as he tried to lift your sleeve further. Your face turned pale, and you yanked your arm away from him. He and his brother were giving you puzzling glances.

"L-Look, thanks for the help, but I have to get to school." You grabbed your bag from the floor and walked off in the direction of your school, your paces were quick. Lovino and Feliciano were left without answers.

"What was with the cuts and bru-"

"Aaahhhhh!" Feliciano started screaming again, interrupting Lovino's sentence.

"What!?" He said, angrily.

"We're gonna be late for school!! Come on Lovi!!" He said, grabbing his brother by the arm and dragging him along with him.

New rule: Don't eavesdrop, it'll just give you more trouble than it's worth.


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