10. Phone Call

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[Lovino's POV - Monday - 5:00 - Home - Missing]

I grumbled as I finally was allowed to leave the classroom. School is a pain, I couldn't help it if my voice was just a little too loud! I left school and walked home, it was dark and cold. The streetlights were turning on one by one, emitting an orange glow. I took a small shortcut to get to my house. As I entered the door, I was happily greeted by warmth. I took off my shoes and left them at the doorway. (F/N)'s shoes weren't there, did she take them to her room?

I went into the kitchen, were Feliciano and Antonio were both making pasta... Again... But where was (F/N)?

"Hey, Fratello!" Feliciano said, pausing from cooking the pasta to look at me. I muttered a small 'hi' before asking.

"Where's (F/N)? Is she in her room?" I asked both Antonio and Feliciano, and they looked at me with confusion.

"What do you mean? Isn't she with you? I thought she waited for your detention to finish so she could walk home with you," Antonio said, facing me as well. Panic started to rise in my chest.

"...She didn't come home..? You definitely didn't hear her come through the door?" I asked. This couldn't be happening again. Antonio shook his head.

"No, why what's wrong?" He asked curiously. Both I and Feliciano must have looked pretty scared or worried, we still hadn't told Antonio about (F/N)'s past. I didn't bother to answer, I rushed upstairs and quickly opened the door to (F/N)'s room, it was dark, but more importantly, it was empty. I ran back downstairs and roughly grabbed my coat off the coat rack.

"Hey, where are yo-" I didn't even bother to answer or even listen to the rest of Antonio's sentence. I opened the door and slammed it shut behind me. The only light was from the streetlights, and the cold wind hit me at full force. That didn't matter though, I took off running and started thinking of all the places (F/N) could be. The first place I checked was her old house. But neither she nor her uncle were there. I was almost certain they had her.

Almost as if it were timed, my phone started ringing in my pocket. The contact name said (F/N). I hastily answered it.

"(F/N)!? Where are yo-" I was cut off by a familiar, male voice.

"Sorry, looks like you've got the wrong person." I could hear the amusement in his voice. It was him, (F/N)'s uncle. "You must be Lovino? That bitch's boyfriend or something." I let out a low growl at the insult.

"You!" I yelled. "Where's (F/N)!? What have you done to her!?" My patience grew short. He let out a small laugh.

"You want me to put her on? Sure thing!" He laughed, pulling the phone away from his face, from what I could tell since his voice went a little quieter. He must of put the phone on speaker because the next thing I heard was (F/N). She wasn't speaking, she was crying. I heard the sound of scissors being opened and closed, making a repetitive snip-snap sound. Next, I heard (F/N)'s screams. It was horrible, I'd heard her cry and laugh, but I'd never heard her scream. He'd put the phone back off speaker.

"Stop it!!" I yelled. "Let her go you bastard!!" The hair on my neck was standing up like a cat. I was angry, I was worried, but most of all I was scared I'd lose (F/N). She didn't deserve to suffer her uncle's torture again! She'd done nothing to him, so why did he have to do this to her!? Her uncle laughed again and I could only imagine the smug smile on his face.

"You want her?" He asked teasingly. "Come get us, we're at the old abandoned warehouse, south of your school. If you try anything like calling the police, I'll kill her, got it?" He was so confident he gave the location. He's underestimating me. I immediately hung up the phone and took off running towards the warehouse. This was different than before, they weren't around the last time I went their house. (F/N) was in danger and her life was on the line. It was up to me.

Just please, be okay until I get there!


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