12. Fight

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[Normal POV - Monday - 5:25 - Abandoned Warehouse - Fight]

"(F/N)!!" Lovino stood at the entrance. His eyes met yours, then he glared at the women next to you, she still had blood soaked scissors in her hand. She just giggled and placed the blade of the scissors near your arm again, threatening to cut more of your pale skin. Lovino's expression looked far past angry. Your uncle started speaking in a taunting voice.

"Looks like our guest has arrived!" He said standing up from the box he was sat on. He walked towards Lovino and faced him.

"Let (F/N) go," Lovino said sternly, showing no fear. Your uncle laughed.

"Fight me for her then!" He dug through a pocket on the inside of his jacket and pulled out a small pocket knife. He had a weapon while Lovino had nothing but his fists. "You want her, come get her."

You watched as Lovino launched forwards towards your uncle. He tried to aim a punch put your uncle swayed to the side and dodged it. He slashed the knife across Lovino's arm, creating a small, shallow cut. Blood seeped into the jacket sleeve around the cut. It was horrible to watch. The odds were against him, and now your uncle's girlfriend was edging the scissors closer and closer to your neck. You wanted nothing but to help and to stop being the one that always needed saving! You shook and wriggled your hands in an attempt to loosen the ropes. They rubbed against your skin and you could feel blood trickle down your wrist. The ropes started to loosen. But looks like she had noticed.

"What the-" Before she could finish, you freed your arms and managed you flick your head back, it instantly made contact with her, she let out a gasp as she fell backwards. She hit her head on the back of a large wooden box, instantly passing out. The large metal scissors fell to the ground with a dull clatter. With your now untied hands, you untangled the ropes around your ankles and stood up. Your uncle glared at you.

"You little bitch!" He was about to dart towards you, but Lovino stopped him. Lovino was already breathing heavy from all the fighting, so was your uncle. But while Lovino had some cuts, your uncle had none.

"Hey, I'm your opponent you bastard!" He yelled, challenging him. Your uncle scowled and launched towards Lovino in an attempt to stab him. Lovino swiftly dodged and quickly kicked the knife out of his hands, knocking it to the floor. They both exchanged glances and then both looked at the knife. They both launched towards it, both trying to grab it, yet only one could be successful. Luckily that one person was Lovino. The tables had turned.

Now both of them were fairly cut up, but Lovino looked to be favoured as the winner.  Your uncle's slightly pained face turned to an evil smirk. He took a brief glance towards you.  He scooped up the scissors from the floor and held them close to your face. He had his arm wrapped around your arms, you couldn't move. Lovino tried stepping towards the both of you, but as soon as he did you felt the cold blade press up against your skin, creating yet another cut.

"Take another step and she dies." He said, taking a shaky breath. You no longer were scared, you gave him a death glare which only served to make him grin. "What did someone grow some balls while they were away?" He laughed to himself. "You'll die here anyway!" You were sick and tired of his constant swearing, abuse and all the pain he'd caused. You took a deep breath, opened your mouth, and bit down hard on his hand near your face. You must have bit harder than you though because you could even taste blood. He shouted some swears and dropped the pair of scissors on the floor, retracting his hand from your face. Lovino took the chance to tackle him down near one of the large wooden beams that held up the roof.

"Grab the ropes!" He yelled at you as he held him down. You nodded quickly and grabbed the ropes, wrapping them around the wooden beam and his hands. You wrapped the tough rope around his feet. He wriggled and tugged and the ropes but before he could free himself, Lovino kicked him in the head and knocked him out.

You took a sigh of relief, dropping to your knees. Pain wracked your shoulder from the deep stab wound you'd received before. Lovino walked over to you and knelt down in front of you, pulling you into his arms.

"A-Are you okay?" He asked, his breathing still slightly uneven. You nodded your head.

"Yeah... I-I'm okay, I've just got a little cut on my shoulder.." You said, slightly jokingly.

"Don't do that ever again," Lovino said hugging you a little tighter. "I thought you were dead, dammit!" He said, trying to hide the fact that his voice was cracking.

"I'm sorry.." You muttered, your voice also cracking. You felt something cold touch your nose. Looking up, you saw snow has started drifted through the holes in the roof. It hit the floor and created small white patches. Lovino had noticed as well. The white snowflakes looked so pretty in the moonlight. You could hear the faint noise of sirens as you snuggled closer to Lovino, your vision went dark, the last thing you felt before passing out was the kind warmth of Lovino's chest...


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