2. Lunchtime

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[Monday - 8:22 - School - Seating]

Your heart started to slow down as you put more and more distance between you and the two Italians. No one could ever know about that, not ever. You received the same mutters and glares as you walked through the school gates—you ignored them. After what you already go through at home, this should be child's play. You sat down at your usual desk located at the back of the class, no one would bother you back there. You grabbed your books out your bag and placed them at the corner of your desk as you tried to evaluate what just happened. They saw your cuts and bruises, but that didn't matter as long as you didn't see them again.

The teacher walked into the room and following behind her...

...The same dark-haired Italian you saw this morning.

Your eyes widened, and you gripped your arm protectively. His eyes met yours and they flickered in recognition. You quickly looked back down at your desk, and panic started to set in.

"Alright class, we have a new transfer student today!" She shouted over the class and the room quietened down to let her speak. "This is Lovino Vargas from Italy!" She beamed excitedly, to which Lovino scowled at. "Everyone please try to make him feel welcome." She scanned the room for a place for him to sit. Not next to you, anywhere but there... But she had the wrong idea entirely. Your teacher was a kind teacher and she probably thought you needed a friend being the quiet girl you were. "Please go sit next to (F/N) at the back," She said pointing over to your seat. You averted your eyes over to the window and shuffled your chair as far as you could until you reached the end of the desk. Why couldn't she sit him next to that idiot Alfred, or a prettier girl like Elizabeta!?

He sat down next to you but remained silent. Maybe he'd just drop what he'd saw and decide it was personal. But you were wrong. Unbeknownst to you, he was just observing you.

As soon as class was over, you gratefully rushed out the classroom to your locker. You were happy for whatever freedom you received from Lovino. You grabbed the books from your locker and hesitated to take your sandwich, but you took it anyway. Fast footsteps padded down the hallway towards you.

"(F/N)!!" A familiar high pitched Italian accent rung in your ears. It was Feliciano. Before you had time to look up and react, he hugged you tightly. You shivered at the instant pain that flared up as he came into contact with your cuts and bit your lip to stop yourself from groaning in pain. He finally let go. "Do you remember me?" He said pointing at his face, flashing you a wide smile.

"Yeah, you're Feliciano Vargas, just transferred from Italy." You answered him in a monotone voice. More footsteps padded down the hallway, here came the other Italian.

"You bastard! Why'd you run off!?" Lovino shouted angrily, neglecting the fact you were stood right there.

"I wanted to see (F/N).." Feliciano said innocently, gesturing to you. Lovino looked at you too, only just realizing your presence, which you countered by giving him a sharp glare. He mumbled a small 'Oh' before turning his attention back to his brother.

"Well, it's lunchtime, and I'm hungry!" He shouted again. Feliciano nodded but turned to you.

"Hey (F/N)! Can we eat lunch with you? We don't know anyone yet.." He said, showing you his lunchbox.

"Why would you want to eat lunch with me?" You asked, a little confused.

"Because I'm hungry Ve~," he said absentmindedly. You shook your head.

"No, why would you want to eat lunch, with 'me'?" You said exaggerated the 'with me' part.

"Because we're friends right?" He said happily. Friends, you dipped your head. You didn't even know what it meant to have friends. You'd never had a friend, and you didn't know if you even want one.

"I'm so-" you began your sentence before Feliciano interrupted you.

"Just this once!" He pleaded. How could you refuse, he looked like he genuinely wanted to eat lunch with you, while Lovino looked like he was off thinking about something.

"Fine..." You muttered.

"Vee~" Feliciano cheered grabbing both your's and Lovino's hand, much to his dismay, and dragged you to the field.

That was where it began.


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