8. Laugh

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[Lovino's POV - Wednesday - 5:18 - Search - Cry]

(F/N) was out in the rain.

I pressed my forehead against the cold window and wiped off the condensation. The rain was pouring down, it was foggy and cold. There was no other choice but to go look for her. I ran downstairs and quickly told Feliciano that I was going out. I roughly grabbed my coat and an umbrella off the coat hook. (F/N) didn't have a coat on the rack, she hadn't brought one with her. She must be freezing where ever she was.

But where was that!?

My patience ran short as I jogged around the city. I even asked a couple of people, but all the results came up negative. I checked the park, the town square, school, around every street, and even dared to go to her house. The only place I hadn't searched was the graveyard.

I ran back down the street towards the graveyard entrance. The rain was heavier and the fog was thicker. I opened the steel gates, they screeched and creaked as I opened and closed them behind me. My running paces slowed to a light jog as I examined the path in front of me. As I went onwards, I saw someone knelt down in front of a pair of graves. The person was wearing a soaking wet hoodie and they kept wiping their face with their sleeves. It wasn't until I got closer that I realised that the person was (F/N).

She was crying...

It looked like she hadn't noticed me yet, so I shuffled a little closer. I'd never seen her cry, even after what she'd been through. She always had the same emotionless expression on her face. I shuffled even closer.

"I've never seen you cry before.." I muttered loud enough for her to hear, she jumped slightly. For a brief second, she looked at me, her teary eyes met mine, but as quick as she looked at me, she just as quickly looked away, covering her face with her sleeves. I pulled her into a warm hug. She didn't hug back but did push me away either. "You know.. It's okay to cry sometimes.." I said, stroking her soaking wet (H/C) hair. She took a shaky breath and finally wrapped her arms around me. She started quietly sobbing, and after a while, she started properly crying as I held her.

After a while, her cries subsided and she went limp; not surprising considering the amount of time she was out here in this seemingly perpetual rainstorm. I lifted her onto my back and carried her home. The rain wasn't letting up but I soon got home I welcomed the warmth of my house. That stupid tomato bastard was the one who did this! He and my idiot brother were still happily eating pasta at the dining table. Feliciano was the first to notice me.

"Ciao Lovi~," he said happily. He was about to say something else until he saw (F/N) peacefully sleeping on my back. "Hey what happened with (F/N)?" He asked curiously. Both of us were soaking wet and I just wanted to get warm and dry. Looks like Antonio had also come along to see what the commotion was, he was peering curiously at (F/N), waiting for an answer out of me. Instead of giving him that, I pointed an accusing finger at him.

"This is all your fault you idiota!" I shouted as my face turned red with rage. He put his hands up innocently.

"What did I do?!" He shouted I response.

"If you hadn't started questioning (F/N) about why she didn't smile, which is none of your business by the way, then she wouldn't have run off, and if she hadn't had ran off, she wouldn't be soaking wet right now!" I took a deep breath. "And she wouldn't have started crying either!!" I felt my face burn with anger, but Antonio now looked a little guilty, that didn't stop him from feigning innocence.

"I didn't know that!" He said in defence. I grumbled as I started to walk up the stairs, fights like this were normal.

"Feliciano, come help me, (F/N)'s cold and needs to get in bed!" I yelled back down the stairs at my brother. He panicked a little and hurriedly finished eating his pasta before running up the stairs after me. I took (F/N) to my room, she'd be warmer in there than the guest room. Her jacket was wet, so I took that off. Luckily her clothes weren't wet, thank god, but they were cold. I carefully placed her on the bed and pulled the covers over her. Feliciano soon entered the room, carefully carrying a large pile of blankets dangerously balanced on top of each other with him. He placed them down at the bottom of the bed and sighed in relief.

"Hey Roman-"

"I told you not to call me that while (F/N)'s around." I snapped. I knew she wasn't conscious, but at this point, I didn't really care. Feliciano looked slightly taken aback.

"Oh, okay... Fratello.." He said, choosing to use Italian instead. "Why was (F/N) out in the rain?" He asked cautiously. I hesitated to tell him but ended up doing so anyway.

"She was visiting her parents' graves.." I said sadly. But the door suddenly creaked open.

"Aha! That's why she's always sad!" Antonio said loudly from at the door. Both I and Feliciano shushed him simultaneously and he lowered his voice. "Am I right?" He asked. I dipped my head.

"It's not that simple.." He saw the sad look on my face and didn't question any further than that. We all sat in the room in silence. Well, that was until Antonio started teasing me.

[Normal POV - Wednesday - 5:45 - Lovino's bedroom - Laughter]

You could hear muffled voices. You head was spinning, your vision was blurry, but you felt warm. This wasn't your room, that much you could tell. The voices became clearer, and you recognised them as Feliciano, Antonio and Lovino.

"Oh come on Romano! You were being really overprotective of her, it's obvious that you like her!" Antonio said teasingly.

"I-I told you not to call me that! And I wasn't... p-protective over her.." Lovino had gaps and stutters in his sentence, were they talking about you? Feliciano joined in too.

"Well, you were shouting at us because big brother Spain made her run away," Feliciano said. You opened your eyes. Lovino was sat on a chair next to your bed, not facing you, but facing Antonio so he hadn't noticed you were awake yet. Antonio was stood at the end of the room, casually leaning against the wall with a grin on his face while Feliciano was sat on the other side of the bed, unaware of your presence too. Both Antonio and Feliciano seemed to be enjoying teasing Lovino about... You? You decided to listen a bit longer. The conversation carried on.

"Yeah, he was." Antonio laughed, agreeing with Feliciano's previous statement. Lovino looked at his bursting point, his face bright red.

"No, I wasn't! Shut up you stupid, idiota, tomato-loving, Spanish bastard!!" He yelled at the amused Antonio, thinking of as many insults as he could and putting it all into one sentence. You felt the corners of your mouth turn upwards. You found it amusing, Lovino, angry and embarrassed. He'd put as many insults he could associate with Antonio and shouted them all at once. You tried to stop yourself from laughing but you couldn't. You stifled a giggle, attracting the attention of all three men. You giggle turned into a small laugh, and soon you were happily laughing for the first time in a long time.

You actually laughed.


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