7. Gravestones

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[Wednesday - 5:00 - Dinnertime - Pasta]

You unpacked your belongings and we're now lying peacefully on your bed, thinking about what had just happened. What was this weird feeling in your chest? You couldn't get Lovino off your mind. A sudden knock broke you out of your thoughts. You muttered a low 'Come in' and sat up waiting for the door to open. Feliciano entered your room and smiled widely.

"Ciao (F/N)! I've made pasta! You want to come eat with us?" He said in his usual cheery tune. You stood up from your bed and gave a simple nod. You followed down the stairs and into the kitchen, instantly welcomed by the delicious smell of pasta. Lovino and Antonio were already eating their pasta, looking closer, Lovino still had a light blush on his face.

You sat down and picked up your fork, and slowly you began eating your pasta while the other ate theirs a lot quicker. Your appetite still hadn't really returned. You noticed Lovino's and Antonio's pasta had a lot more tomatoes than yours or Feliciano's, but Lovino did love tomatoes and he'd called Antonio a 'Tomato eating bastard,' so you could only guess he loved them too. Antonio paused from eating his pasta to ask you a question.

"So (F/N), how come I haven't seen you smile yet?" He said casually. Lovino and Feliciano exchanges nervous glances and were about to shut Antonio up, but you interrupted them.

"I've forgotten how to," you answered plainly, taking another bite out of your pasta. Antonio looked fazed. Obviously, it wasn't the answer he was expecting. He looked back down at his own food before asking another question.

"Why?" He asked. Lovino and Feliciano tried to silently stop him. When you didn't answer, Lovino stood up and intervened, grabbing Antonio by his collar and dragging him out the room.

"Come on you tomato bastard, enough questioning!" He grumbled agitatedly. Feliciano became unsure of what to do and just ran after them, well before grabbing the remaining pasta he had left on his plate.

While they were busy, you silently stood up from your chair and left the house. The rain was pouring and it was getting dark, but you didn't bring a coat to drape over your hoodie and you didn't even care for that matter. You paced down the streets, the rain pitter-pattering against the pavements as you walked. You didn't care how cold it was or how wet you got, this was just something you had to do.

You arrived at a pair of large steel gates, opening them produced a fairly loud screech, the gates were old and rusty. You closed them behind you and made your way down the path. This was a graveyard, empty and deathly silent. You travelled down the path until you came to a set of identical gravestones.

(D/N) (L/N)
A loving father and husband

(M/L) (L/N)
A caring wife, mother and sister

It was your parent's graves, you visited whenever you could, but with everything that had happened lately, you hadn't had the time. You knelt down in front of them, not caring if your trousers got wet. You pulled the hood of your hoodie down so they could see your face.

"Hey mother, father.." You muttered. "I'm sorry I haven't visited in a while. Let's just say things have been... Different," you said thinking of your new home. "I'm sorry..."

This was the only place you allowed yourself to cry. You always tried your hardest not to cry in front of Lovino or Feliciano, so this was your way to release all the anger, sadness and grief. Years started to spill down your face, you shoulder starting trembling and you let out all the tears you'd held in.

It felt good to just cry...

[Lovino's POV - Wednesday - 5:27 - Dinnertime - Where's (F/N)?]

I dragged that tomato bastard out the room, Feliciano following close behind. It was only me and him that knew about (F/N), and even though I only knew that from following her home, it was still the right thing to do. I dragged Antonio into the kitchen and finally let him go, he rubbed his neck and groaned

"Hey, Romano! What was that for!?" He shouted loudly. He just couldn't read the mood at all!

"Stop calling me that idiota! Not while (F/N)'s still here!" I whisper-shouted.

"Why is that chica here anyway? If she's not your girlfriend, then what is she to you? You don't normally invite random girls into your house." He paused in thought. "And... She had bandages on her arms, what happened to her?" Crap! He was getting closer and closer to figuring it out, but I could just lie and he'd probably believe it.

"Look it's complicated, she had problems at home and let's just leave it at that! I'm letting her stay, but I'm not letting YOU stay!" I shouted.

"Aww come on Romano... I wanna know what's going on!" The idiot whined. I shook my head.

"Just don't ask (F/N) any more questions okay!?" I said, still whisper-shouting. Antonio paused for a moment as if weighing his options but agreed. Feliciano just stood eating pasta the whole time like it was popcorn and me and Antonio fighting was a movie. He smiled his stupid smile as we both came to an agreement and we all went back out the room to the table where we expected (F/N) to be sat waiting. But she wasn't.

Most of her pasta was still left on the plate, uneaten, she probably wasn't hungry. She probably went to her room. I went round upstairs as Feliciano happily ate the remains of (F/N)'s pasta. I knocked on her bedroom door but got no answer. Was she asleep or something? I cautiously opened the door and peeked my head into her room. She wasn't there. I opened the door fully and walked into her room, her things were still here, so at least she didn't run away. I searched the rest of the house, the kitchen, the front room, all the bedroom and also the bathroom, all empty. As I closed the door to the room I'd just checked, my eyes were caught by the rain hammering down on the windows.

She wasn't out there was she?


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