9. Captured

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[Normal POV - Wednesday - 5:47 - Lovino's bedroom - Smile]

Lovino, Feliciano and Antonio all turned to look at you as your laughed, all with different reactions. Feliciano had a clueless smile on his face, Lovino was slightly shocked and speechless while Antonio was just confused. After you stopped laughing, you could still feel a small smile on your face. Before you could say anything, you felt Lovino wrap his arms around you. Confused as you were, you returned the hug. You felt a lot better.

Both Antonio and Feliciano just stood watching. Feliciano wanted to hug you too, but Antonio stopped him and dragged him out the room, muttering something along the lines of "Come on, they're having a moment." Although not being able to read the mood, he could certainly read Lovino. Now it was just yourself and Lovino in the room.

"You smiled," he muttered, not sure of what else to say.

"I guess I did," you said, snuggling into the fabric of Lovino's shirt. "Thanks to you.." You felt yourself loosen, and your eyes drooped, you fell into a deep sleep. Lovino could feel his cheeks flush red.

"I love you, (F/N).." He knew you were already asleep, but he said it anyway. He kissed you lightly on the forehead and went to leave the room. As he opened the door, both Antonio and Feliciano came tumbling in, they'd been listening in the whole time.

After Lovino scooted them out the room and yelled at them both, things went back to normal. Once you'd woken up, you felt better and happier since you had been. You laughed a lot more, you smiled a lot more. So after a few weeks had passed you thought everything had gone back to normal, until one day you were walking home alone.

[Monday - 4:34 - Walking Home - Encounter]

Lovino had a detention for shouting in class, which was normal by this point, and he couldn't walk home with you. The streets weren't busy, and the footsteps you could hear were your own and some up ahead. It was getting darker as the seasons changed, and also colder. Turning the corner, you met an all to familiar face.

It was him...

The man who caused so much pain, hatred and sadness. The man who presumed you dead. It was your uncle. His girlfriend accompanied him, holding on to his arm, still looking as fake as before. She was the first to notice you. She stopped mid-sentence and looked at you. Your uncle turned to face you as well. Both their expressions drastically changed to a look of hatred and shock.

"It's the bitch that nearly killed me!" She said hyperbole. She let go of your uncle's arm and started taking steps towards you. You were frozen in fear, this just couldn't be happening again, you didn't want to back! You couldn't go back! Her expression told you everything. She wanted to kill you. She wanted to wring your neck and choke the life out of you. She started to raise her hands towards your neck, she didn't care where you would die as long as you did die.

She wrapped her cold, thin hands around your neck, digging her fingers into your neck. Your oxygen was cut off and you couldn't breathe. It all went by fast. She squeezed harder and harder, smirking as she did. She was clearly enjoying your pain. You were on the brink of passing out. Your uncle grabbed her arms before she could advance any further, he had a smirk on his face too.

"Why'd you stop me!" The blonde screamed. "I almost had her dead!" She pouted. Your uncle's smirk grew wider.

"No, I have a better idea..."


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