3. Figuring Out

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It had been a couple of weeks, and every lunchtime Feliciano would beg you to sit with him and Lovino until it became natural that you'd sit with them without him pleading you to. You always thought Feliciano as your silly, stupid friend, or like a joyful older brother. You didn't know what you felt towards Lovino, it just felt weird. You didn't hate him, it was rather the opposite. That was what scared you...

[Friday - 1:50 - School - Lunch]

You sat behind the school with Lovino, waiting for Feliciano to arrive so you could all eat lunch together. He'd gotten into trouble in class for dozing off, he did that often, or he would just start messing around. Neither of you talked so your mind wandered off. Your uncle had been coming home even later than usual, which at first you didn't find very suspicious. By the time he came home, you would be asleep, he usually didn't bother you when you were asleep, but now he was. It had become increasingly harder to cover your cuts and bruises he'd given you. You would hear female laughter from just outside your bedroom door whenever your uncle decided to beat you at night. Was that his girlfriend? Whoever it was, she agreed with the abuse, she would say you needed to be eliminated. What did that mean?


Were they going to...


...Kill you?


Lovino's sudden shouting brought you back to reality. He was looking at you, looking slightly concerned and also slightly annoyed.

".. Hm? What?" You said in a monotone voice. He sighed.

"Stop spacing out so much! What's with you?" He said folding his arms. Not sure how to answer, you just gave him a plain and simple 'nothing', but it was clear that there was.

"(F/N), I can tell your lying." He said, trying to contain his anger but he didn't succeed for long. "You don't trust me enough! Is that it!?" He said, stepping closer a look of betrayal on his face. You felt slightly bad, it wasn't about him, more about you. Although then again, he was jumping the gun slightly, you knew it was just his way of caring, but maybe if he let you speak you could explain. You lifted your arm slightly but before you could do anything he harshly grabbed it. Pain flared across your arm at his touch, his eyes showed guilt for a brief second before thinning slightly. He roughly tugged your sleeve up your arm. He had guessed what it would look like, but even this shocked him, his eyes widened and he let out a small gasp. Your arm had bruises and cuts peppered all the way up your (S/C) skin. The bruises variated in size and colour, as did the cuts, but all looked painful.

"I knew you had cuts on your arms... But this.." He traced his finger along some of the most recent cuts on your arm, making you whimper a bit. You tugged your arm back off him.

"Look just stop.." You muttered pulling your sleeve back down. Lovino looked past the point of furious now.

"Why can't you just tell me!?" He shouted, his face as red with anger as his beloved tomatoes. You couldn't tell him, you wouldn't tell him.

"I'm sorry... I can'.-" You began to form a sentence, but a cheerful voice interrupted you.

"Ciao~!" Feliciano yelled, running towards the two of you waving his hands. This gave you the opportunity to run as well. You bolted past Feliciano leaving him confused and Lovino still as angry.

Maybe you should just disappear...


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