4. Run

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[Friday - 3:00 - Outside School - Going Home]

As soon as class was over, you immediately collected your things and dashed out the rooms. It was hard to avoid someone who sat right next to you. He didn't talk to you for the rest of the day, but he looked bursting full of questions that he was just dying to ask. You hastily hurried of the room, not wanting him to catch up. After running far enough away from school, your fast-paced steps turned into your normal paced walk. Your uncle had a nice house with a lot of nice rooms. Then there was your room, the smallest room, you kept it tidy because you knew the consequences. There were plenty of bigger rooms he could've put you in, but of course, you had to have the smallest.

You arrived at the house, hearing a few female giggles that you'd heard at night. Something wasn't right... They'd be at the bar at this time, why were they here..?

You slowly opened the door, both your uncle and his girlfriend were sat on the stairs, expecting you.

This was bad...

[Lovino's POV - Friday - 3:10 - Outside School - Walking]

(F/N) acting a little strange was out of the question, she was acting very odd today. Scratch that, she acted strangely since the first day I met her. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. I was more than a little worried, my mind just went to the worst case situation which didn't help things. There were too many cuts on her arms, and they were bruises. They looked to oddly shaped and rugged to be self-inflicted, so who did it?

I told Feliciano I had to do something after school so he wouldn't bother me. I wasn't lying, I was doing something. I was following (F/N), I had to since she wasn't telling me anything. Why couldn't she just tell me then this would be easier?!

[Friday - 3:23 - (F/N)'s House - Torment]

When you opened the door, both your uncle and his girlfriend were sat on the stairs. She was sat on his lap, becoming aware of your presence she stood up and flicked her hair, strutting towards you.

"Well look! The little skank is back!" She said circling you like a shark. She was fake. Her hair, her nails, her eyes lashes, just fake. She sashayed towards you and produced a large pair of sewing scissors from her purse. "I think someone should dispose of you." She whispered in her ear, her voice like venom. You were frozen, you couldn't move. Your uncle walked towards you, stopping at the woman's side.

"I think she should be taught a lesson first, don't you?" He said cracking his knuckles. He towered over you, grabbing your collar and pulling you up. Your heart pounded in your chest, faster than you'd ever felt. He smirked before throwing you against a large mirror in the hallway. Upon impact, the mirror shattered, piercing parts of your skin. Not deep enough to to be fatal, but deep enough to hurt and bleed. You screeched out in pain. The blonde laughed skipping up to you, stopping in front of you and pressing the heel of her shoes into one of the cuts in your arms. You bit your lip hard.

'Don't scream it's what they want... Don't give the satisfaction...'

She even went so far as to stab a shard of glass into your stomach, making you let out a soundless scream.

'Just Stop..'

"Tch. Scream dammit!" She said cutting over your cuts with the pair of scissors she had. She dropped them at her feet and laughed. Your vision was fading, but in one last attempt, you grabbed the scissors and jabbed them into the blond's shoulder. She screamed, yet you still hadn't after all the injuries you'd sustained, and stumbled back, landing on her behind. Your uncle menacingly walked towards you, ready to punch until his girlfriend interjected.

"Ignore that bitch! She's dead! Come help me! NOW!" She screamed, her voice strained, her arm gripped her bleeding shoulder.

"R-Right away!" Your uncle stuttered, giving you one last glare before scooping up his girlfriend and leaving. This was your chance. You forced yourself up onto your feet and stumbled up the stairs. You stuffed clothes and your belongings into a big rucksack and threw it painfully on your back. Opening the door, you saw the streets were empty...


New rule: Always take the opportunity to run


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