Part 9: Stalker

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I walk out of my second class chatting lively with Steph. Woah! I almost walk straight into you guessed it, J.

It's almost like he knows what classes I have. Creepy!

"Are you stalking me?" I glare at me.

"Who, me?" He gasps, looking around behind him dramatically.

"Yes you." I roll my eyes but can't help to giggle.

"No." Finally a normal reply.

"Mind you I'd make a pretty sexy stalker." He runs his hand through his hair.

Ugh. So much for normal the cocky jerk.

I don't answer him instead I roll my eyes and turn to walk away. I have to get another copy of my timetable and can't be bothered with his arrogant remarks.

I take one step; expecting him to call out to me, he doesn't.

I take another step, feeling slightly disappointed that he didn't.

I don't know why, it's not like I wanted to talk to him anyway.

Yes you did!

No I didn't.

You like him Piper just admit it.

No I don't shut up you stupid inner voice.

I take another step.

A firm hand grabs my wrist spinning me around.

I collide straight into J's muscular chest, not that I'm complaining.

My heart accelerates noticing the tiny space between us.

I try to step back but he places his hands on my lower back pulling me in so I'm pressed against him.

My spine tingles from his contact.

I take a deep breath in, he smells wonderful. I take another breath and blink up at him.

A smile plays on his lips and I can't help but be mesmerised by them. I have a strong desire to crash my lips against his, to feel the fireworks I know I'll get from it.

Ugh, I can't believe I just thought that. What is wrong with me?

"I bet you're thinking about how sexy I am." He smirks, his voice smooth and low.

"N-no I'm not." I stutter. "I mean you wish." I manage quickly looking at the ground.


I look up at him surprised, he called me by my real name.

J brings his face close to mine and my stomach fills with butterflies.

"Maybe I do." He whispers in my ear his breath hot on my neck.

He pulls back, releases me from his hold and walks away.

I stand there frozen, unable to move.

What the fruit-tingle just happened?

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