Part 12: A Girls Weekend Pt. 2

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"Just one last swim before we go." Naomi whines.

"Okay, one more swim and then I'll call mum to pick us up." Elka's throws her hands up in defeat.

"Woohooo!" We all chorus.

"Race you to the water." Clara smirks.

"Ready. Set. Oi! Naomi that's cheating." Yells Clara.

Naomi pokes her tongue out at us and keeps running.

We all run after her. Tackling each other into the water.

After splashing about for a while we decide that we are adequately cooled off and start gathering our things off the beach.

Elka's mum picks us all up, she has a seven seater car, and drives us to their house.

"Today was heaps of fun." Naomi smiles.

We are all back in our normal clothing and sitting in Elka's room chatting.

"Yeah it's fun doing girls outings." Steph agrees.

"Especially because there wasn't any boys involved." Elka throws a pointed look towards Clara.

"But Toby's my boyfriend and I like spending time with him." Clara whines.

"We understand that." I say slowly. "But when you bring Toby along we don't get to spend time with you. And we like spending time with you Clara." I smile kindly.

"I'm sorry guys." She says looking at the ground.

I feel sorry for her it must be hard balancing girl time and boyfriend time.

"But." Clara perks up.

" I know how to make it up to you all. Let's go to the movies tonight and then have a sleepover at mine." She chirps happily.

I cringe inwardly at the word 'sleepover' it reminds me of my twelve year old self, but her idea sounds like heaps of fun.

"That's a great idea." Naomi grins.

"What movie should we go and see?" Ella asks the group.

"Ugh do we have to watch movie?" Groans Steph. "Can't we do something else instead?"

"But you love going to the cinema." Naomi knits her eyebrows together in confusion.

"Yeah Steph, what is your problem today?" Elka says voicing the minds of everyone.

"Nothing's my problem. Okay?" Steph grumbles.

"It's just that movies are so dumb." She stands up and walks out of the room.

Everyone exchanges silent glances.

"Maybe we shouldn't go to the movies." Clara whispers sadly.

"Nah I'm sure it'll be fine." I say as convincingly as I can. "I'll go and see what's wrong with her."

I tip-toe over the tiled kitchen floor towards Steph. Her back it towards me as she sips a glass of water.

"Steph." I coo gently.

She puts the glass down and turns to face me.

"Yeah." She says blinking up at the ceiling and biting her lip.

I know she's trying not to cry.

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