Part 13: Training Partners

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This (slightly late) chapter is dedicated to @late_lay for all her wonderful comments!

I smile to myself, Max and Steph are standing together talking. Max is flirting with her and dare I say, I think Steph is flirting back.
Our chat on the weekend must have given her some confidence and a reality check. This makes me so happy because they would make the cutest couple.

A piercing whistle brings me back to the real world, which for me happens to be on the oval with my PE class.

"Now I've got your attention class." Miss Daily smiles. She's one of the nicest teachers.

"We are doing something exciting for the next 5 PE lessons." She grins at us.

"We are going to get the Year 11 boys and girls to coach you in football. It will be a chance for them to increase their coaching abilities and you to increase your skills."

I hear a few excited murmurs amongst my class. I on the other hand am not excited. I suck at football.

"Here they come now." She points at about a dozen boys and girls from the year 11 PE class.

I spot J amongst them and my heart flutters.

"We are going to be doing one on one coaching, the coaches will pick their partners."

I see a few girls fixing their hair and roll my eyes.

"Since there are not enough year 11's to partner everyone, anyone in my class who made it onto the football team will also coach." Ms Daily signals those kids to stand with the year 11's.

"Now we will be focusing on simple skills like passing and kicking today. Okay coaches pick your partners." She smiles.

"Don't just pick your friends, pick someone who you want to get to know better." She adds and I hear some of the year 11 boys groan.

J walks straight towards Amanda, the prettiest girl in my class.

She twirls a strand of long bleach blonde hair around her finger and grins at him. J flashes her a smile in return but to my surprise keeps walking, towards... me!

"Partners Piper?" He grins at me.

"Yeah, sure I guess." I say slightly shocked.

"You don't sound so sure Mac." He chuckles.

"I'm just surprised you didn't pick Amanda." I say honestly.

"Why?" He raises an eyebrow sceptically.

"Because she's super pretty." I look down at the ground.

"But you're beautiful Piper." He says softly.

I feel my cheeks beginning to heat up. J what are you doing to me?

"We should start with passing the ball." He states but it comes out more as a question.

"Sure thing." I agree, glad he's changed the subject.

"I'm just going to give you a nice easy pass, ready?"

I nod.

J throws the football towards me and I catch it in front of my chest. I let out a sigh of relief, so far so good.

"Nicely done." J smiles at me, which in turn makes me smile.

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