Chapter 6

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I’m still ever so slightly bemused by the whole meeting with Cora and even on my way into work the next day I’m trying to get to grips with what I thought about her. Everyone insists she’s the best she just seems so… bizarre. It gets me thinking whether or not people are talking about the same Cora. I hope everyone is right about this woman because she is in control of, (what should be,) the best day of my life.

“Iz! How did it go with Cora?” Mandy suddenly calls across the entrance hall. A senior employee flashes her a look of reproach causing Mandy to sink back down into her seat. Trying not to laugh I hurry over to her desk. “I still can’t work out how you knew about her. I’d never heard her name before in my life,” I exclaim when I reach a distance in which I can converse with her without hollering as the senior employee is still hanging around nearby looking rather severe. “Izzie I read celebrity magazines for a living, you don’t think I actually do work…,” she stops mid-sentence as the senior employee looks at her again. I notice Mandy tap a pile of her magazines further under the desk with the heel of her shoe. “So what happened?” she asks casually ignoring the disgruntled looks from the senior employee. “She was a little strange,” I say cautiously.

“Oh but that’s what everyone says! She’s amazing! In fact do you mind giving her my details just in case I happen to get engaged in the near future,” she jokes. “But I suppose you sort of need a boyfriend before you can get engaged,” she adds glumly.

“I’ve been there,” I say with a smile of understanding.

“Yeah but then you got Ollie who is perfect for you in literally every possible way,” she retorts.

“You’ll get somebody,” I tell her optimistically.

“And how do you suggest I get that somebody?” she asks dryly.

“Well I tripped into mine,” I suggest.

“Great I’ll just go hurling myself at the nearest cute looking guy!” she replies mockingly cheerily.

“Sounds great! Now I actually have to go do some work,” I laugh while walking away.

“Catch up at lunch?” she suggests.

“Yeah, your turn to choose a place just call Kate and tell us where we’re going,” I reply before shuffling off in the direction of the lift happy to get away from the disapproving glances of the senior employee.

I settle down at my desk and begin listening to the satisfying clack of the keyboard as my fingers set to work telling me that my next column is shaping up nicely. I’m making some real progress when my mobile phone suddenly buzzes from my pocket. Sighing in annoyance as the call has interrupted my chain of thoughts I eventually answer it. “Hey gorgeous,” Ollie greets from the other end. “Hi,” I reply trying to type while trapping the phone to my ear with my shoulder. It’s not really working unless ‘nda iths si tno’ makes any sense to you. “I’ve got some news,” he continues although he says it with a bit of caution. I immediately stop typing and spin in my chair with such force the phone almost slips out of my grip. After a lot of scrabbling to keep the phone in my hand I regain my grip and then clamp the phone to my ear again. “What sort of news?” I question in a panic.

“Well… I think its good news,” he answers delicately.

“That doesn’t give me much comfort,” I retort.

“Okay, so Chelsea has just informed me that I’ve got a part in a new film,” he explains.

“Ollie that’s good news congratulations,” I beam down the phone dropping all the tension which was mounting inside me. “There’s a catch though…,” he continues. I did not see that coming. The tension returns with a vengeance. “Spill it Daniels,” I snap quickly.

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