2-My worst enemey Yusaf Hussain?

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Up there is Inaras outfit.
Enjoy reading! 🔥🔥🔥
Inara's POV.
I woke up with a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Either I was a positive if you know what I mean, or something bad was going to happen.

"Inara! Get your butt down here! I cannot be late for training!" I heard Musa yell from downstairs.

I groaned. I did not want to go to college today. I just did not feel like it. Musa on the other hand just had to attend some stupid meetings with uncle since he was already handed down the family business.

Getting up I noticed the clock read 7a.m, class would start at 8:30 so i quickly got to the bathroom and stripped out of my pj's.

I got into the hot shower as so I thought, you ever have that moment when you get into your shower and then BAM!


Well dear people of the world that is EXACTLY what had just happened. As I calmed down once I had turned the faucet to warm, I thought about what I would say to Huma.

Huma is my best friend and that girl is getting married in about a month. Guess who the lucky guy is?
My crazy cousin Musa!

Honestly, I have no idea why she accepted when obviously he's a lazy ass idiot.
He was head over heels over her if that even made sense.
Which is one of the reasons I'm nervous on telling her.

I mean would you want your best friend to ruin your joyful month with her problems?

Ah. I don't think so.

Turning off the shower I made my way to my closet and picked out an outfit for college.

A yellow knee length shirt, baggy black jeans, a cream colored hijab, and to complete the outfit my white vanz.

Once I was ready I made my way downstairs and was about to greet everyone when my eyes spotted a familiar face.

I was disgusted.

How could he come here?!
How could he step into my house!
My kitchen.
Eat from my bowl!
And then smirk in the mother flippin kitchen.

My heart beat was going so fast, wouldn't be surprised if I had a heart attack.
I was so shocked I didn't notice that my feet stayed planted a few feet away from the counter just staring at him. I hadn't seen him since then.

"Assalaam u' aliakum sis."
I broke out of my thoughts when Musa called me

"Uh h-hey..." I squeaked out. Wait. He said Salam. Shit.
"Are your ok?"
I nodded still staring at the pathetic excuse of a human.

I made my way up to the counter to prepare breakfast.
My favorite cereal in the whole wide world!
Cinnamon Toast Crunch baby!
Honestly I could live on that.
Not kidding.

"I'll get that for you"
I looked up to a tall figure reaching out for the cereal on the top shelf.
"Ah!" I screamed and let go of the bowl in my hand so that it shattered in pieces.
"Oh. I-I-I'm sorry."

"Yea you should be sorry. It was my favorite bowl!" Musa whined.

"But sis are you seriously ok?"
"I'm fine, just got startled for a sec"
Someone cleared there throat.
"Would you like to tell us what's been bothering you? I haven't seen you for a couple of days now. Something is off."
It was Osman.

I couldn't take it!

"You know what! I wish I had died in that stupid car accident instead of mom and dad!" And with that I grabbed my bag, went outside without breakfast and made my way just in time to hitch a ride from the good ol' bus service.

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