10~ We were engaged.

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After what seemed like hours of walking we finally decided on two other dresses that would be fit for the mehndi (henna) night and walima night. Aunty wanted to have an engagement ceremony for Yousaf and I since we did'nt have one. That ceremony was being held this Saturday. Apparently Yousaf had already bought the engagement rings, god knows what he picked for me to wear on my hand for the rest of my life. Personally, I just want it to be a simple ring nothing to expensive. I didn't even know if this marriage was right. Should I keep going with this? 

That night as I slept and had gotten my answer,

I was in a huge house, walking up to one of the rooms I opened it.

There a few feet away from me stood Yousaf in the middle of sujood. As he finished praying this heavenly aroma filled the air. When he looked towards me he was smiling and his body was illuminating so much light. He then came up to me and took my hand, 

"Come on lets pray together in hopes of going to Jannah inshallah."

I nodded and there in my dream we prayed together.

I suddenly woke up, it was still dark outside. I felt my heart beating and at that moment I knew he was the one. No matter what Sarah said to me or what Osman did to me, Yousaf was always the one. Alhudulillah. 

I went back to sleep with a smile on my face. Why was I acting like a little school girl?

Saturday afternoon

"Wake up you butt noodle! Rise and shine! Your getting engaged in five hours dummy!"

I scrunched my eyes as the sun light hit me.


There was silence, finally Huma must have left me alone. 

"OUCH! You idiot! Get off me you fat a**!" 

Never mind! My best friend was currently sitting on my back.

"Get up!"

"I'm up" I grumbled, "Get off of me so I can actually stand"

Finally, I dragged my self out of bed and into the bathroom. After doing my shiz, I came out to see Huma sitting on my bed going through some jewelry. 

"So, why did you wake me up? You saw me an hour ago."

Without looking up she replied,

"Oh I don't know. Maybe cuz you my friend are getting engaged?!"

She looked up like I was crazy.

"Um yea so? College tired me out today, so as soon as I got home I treated myself to a nap."

She stared at me and I stared right back at her

Then she sighed,

"I called up the parlor lady here since I knew you would do this. You can thank me later cuz I think she is here. Sit down on your chair while I bring her up here."

I feel the love Huma, note the sarcasm.

Huma left to get the lady that was suppose to do my makeup. I didn't cake myself with makeup that much, I didn't like wearing it either. Well I didn't like any of it after mama and baba died. 

The door opened and a beautiful young lady came in, wait! 


I sprouted out of my chair and ran up to my dear friend. Fatimah was a friend I had made back in high school. I hadn't seen her in a while after she got married back in high school. Her parents were more strict and had gotten her set for life right after graduation, and she had moved to England with her husband. 

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