Part 14

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Nickhun P.O.V

"Congratulation on your wedding bro". Taecyeon teased Nickhun.

Nickhun smile weakly. "Khamsahamida".

"Do you know who your future wife? her face?" Ask Taecyeon.

"I don't know but my father said that she love me so much. I can't imagine who is she". Said Nickhun.

"We will go on your wedding day. When you will back to Thailand?". Ask Junsu.

"Maybe next month, this month we had a concert. My father said that my future wife is staying with them now. She taking care of my father because my mother also not so well". Said Nickhun.

"Well i think you will like her since she is so nice to your family.I hope you will happy". Said Wooyoung and smile.

"I hope you can fully forget Eunjung. You must be happy for your future life". Smile Junho.


Nickhun's family was busy prepared for His wedding day. Nickhun's future wife also in Thailand to help them. Nickhun's father is really happy because he got a good future daughter-in-law. Although he forced his son accept it but he know that Nickhun will like that girl.


Yoona P.O.V

Yoona got a phone call from Eunjung this morning. Eunjung invited Yoona to her weddings and Yoona must come a week before she goy married. "Chincaa Eunjung? So, your future husband don't know yet? You are really crazy. How you can go and ask his parents to accept you as their daughter-in-law.

She really happy when she know the truth about Eunjung marriage and she promise to go there. She meet with Jiyeon at their office's lobby. "Jiyeon, you guys really keep a secret from me.hahaa. So, that's why you don't ask Eunjung to stay here right? because you want her to get the happiness that she really needed" Smile Yoona.

"That's right eonnie. Let her be happy is my happiness too. At first i thought she just joking but she really do that. She is so crazy. haha". Laugh Jiyeon.


Nickhun P.O.V

"You just going back to Thailand one day before your wedding? but why?" Ask Soyeon weirdly.

"I also don't know. My Parents ask me to do that. Soyeon noona and the boys will follow me too". Said Nickhun.

"Arasso. Our management give us a week for holidays. This year i can't go on a vacation but i will travel with you guys. Yoy know it also boring if going together with you guys since we have meet everyday. But for your weddings day i will going witm them.. hihi. Find me a handsome boy like you for me too.. hahaha.. just kidding..Laugh Soyeon.


Eunjung P.O.V

"I will get married with someone that i love so much. Yes it was my first love. I really hope that he will be my last love. Mianhee i always make you angry at me. Today Jiyeon,Jiwon and Yoona will arrived here. They will help me to become the most beautiful woman in my wedding".

Finally Jiyeon,Jiwon and Yoona arrived. "Eunjung". They all hug Eunjung.

"Wait, i can't breathing.You guys want me died before i getting married?Haha". Laugh Eunjung.

"We just miss you. Miss you so much".Said Yoona and hug Eunjung again.

"I can't believed that in one week from now you will be a housewife. haha. how can you getting married before me?". Smile Yoona.

"Taecyeon oppa like you but you don't accept him. I know you like him too but you just being arrogant. hHaha". Eunjung teased Yoona.

"Yahh." Shout Yoona.

*One Day Before Nickhun's Weddings Day*

Nickhun,Soyeon and 2PM members arrived at Thailand. "Papa,Mama". Nickhun hug his parents.

"You guys must really tired. Nickhun bring them to our guest room and the girl you can stay at Nickhun's room since Nickhun will sleep with his friends tonight.

"Thanks uncle". Smile Soyeon.

"Papa where is she? I mean my future wife". Nickhun feel nervous to meet his future wife.

"She is going out with her friends just now. 5 minutes before you arrived, she is going out. Don't worry, you will meet her tonight". Nickhun's father smile at him.


Eunjung P.O.V

"Lets go girls. We are late. My mother-in-law just call and said my future husband is at home. I can't wait to meet him.. ahaha". Smile Eunjung.

"Hahaha. You are really crazy Eunjung. He will be so shocked when he saw you tonight". Said Jiwon.

All of them going back home.


Nickhun P.O.V

Nickhun and his friends friends just finished their dinner. Now they were waiting for Nickhun's future wife.

"Okay,Nickhun. Lets mama introduce your future wife". Nickhun's mother was open the door when her daughter-in-law sent message that they arrived infront of main door. Nickhun and his friends become shocked when they saw Nickhun's future wife.

"You,Eunjung??". Said Nickhun in shocked voice.

"Aneyong". Smile Eunjung but Nickhun suddenly go to Eunjung and drag Eunjung to outside.

"Wait,Oppa". shout Eunjung.

"Why are you here?" Shout Nickhun.

"Going to married you". Smile Eunjung.
"Why so sudden?. who do you think i am? I am a man but you make me feel so shame when you come here and ask my parents to accept you. You are really crazy". Nickhun seems so angry.

"Oppa. I do it for our happiness. I thought you love me that's why i do that. If you don't like it i will cancel it all". Eunjung going to tell Nickhun parents about cancel the wedding.

Nickhun holds Eunjung's hand and said "Who said i am going to cancel it? I just can't believed that you are really brave to come here and and ask my parents to accept you. My parents really like you since the first time we meet and that's why they easily accept you".

"So, You want to marry me or not?". Suddenly Nickhun kiss Eunjung and he smile.

"Of course i will married you". Eunjung cheeks become red and she smile. Nickhun hug Eunjung.

"Ehemm". Nickhun's parent and all of their friends is peek them from inside. Eunjung and Nickhun become shy. Eunjung hide behide Nickhun.

"We will Married". Shout Nickhun.

"No matter what happen, my love for you never die. I will only love you. After we separate for many time, i only love you. I LOVE YOU AGAIN Ham Eun Jung". Nickhun kiss Eunjung Cheeks.

I LOVE YOU AGAIN and Forever Oppa- Eunjung.

**End of My Story**

**Hope You Like IT**

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