Waking up in the Maze: Thomas imagine

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Part 2


I shook my head at him. For some reason I feel like I've known him. There's just something about him that makes me trust him and I feel safe when I'm with him.

I've only known this guy for what a few hours and I already feel this way for him?

I climbed down the tree till I reached them.

I looked at them and they started to walk back to where I guess the rest of the boys are.

I followed behind them until we came up to the boys again.

"I hope this goes well." I whispered to myself.


As we walked back to find the rest of the boys, I became nervous.  I don't really know why I was nervous, but I don't remember ever seeing another girl here in what Thomas called "the glade".

We finally made it and everyone was just staring at me.  I was never the person who liked to be the center of attention so I hid behind Thomas.

"Teresa" Thomas called.

I looked over his shoulder to see a girl walking toward us.

'Well at least now I know that I am not the only girl here.' I thought.

"Teresa, this is (y/n). (Y/n) this is Teresa." Thomas introduced.

"Hi, I'm Teresa."  She put her hand out for me to shake.

I didn't want to be rude so I shook her hand.

Something is off about her.  I don't know what, but there's something telling me in the back of my mind to not trust her. (A/N:  Am I the only one who had a bad feeling about her from the start?)

I shook it off and thought nothing more about it, but made sure that I kept my distance from her.

*Time skip brought to you by Thomas and Minho running from a griever*

I was laying down on the grass looking up at the sky.  It was starting to get dark and I started to drift to sleep, but then I heard someone screaming.


I was confused and saw that Thomas was running at me.

"Come on we have to go."

He grabbed my hand and started to run somewhere.

"We need to hide." he said, looking back at me.

"Why?" I asked

He was about to answer me when something jumped in front of us.  It was weird looking.  It was like half creature and half mechanical with this slim looking stuff falling off of it.

Thomas grabbed something and threw it at the monster, which caught on fire.

We started to run again and this time made it to our destination.

"What was that... that... thing?" I asked frantically.

"That is a griever.  You need to stay away from them and please tell me if you get stung. Okay?"

He looked at me worriedly.  I just shook my head which seemed to relieve him until we heard something on the roof.

I started to back up and get on the ground,  but also prepared to run if I need to.

Soon the griever broke through and grabbed Alby.  

All the boys went over to grab him and tried to pull him out of the grievers grasp, but they couldn't hold and that's the last thing I remember before I passed out.

When I woke up I was somewhere unfamiliar.  It looked kind of like a if I was in a jail cell or something, then Thomas came up to it and got me out.

"Come on. We're getting out of here."

I just went with it and we went into the maze with Teresa, Newt, Minho, Chuck and many other boys that I haven't been able to learn the names of yet.

We ran and ran until we came up to what I guess is our destination.  We walked in and there was something at the end, but the next thing you know, we're being attacked by grievers.  

We lost some of the boys who were brave enough to fight them.  Chuck and Teresa figured out the code so we could finally get out of here. 

The door opened out to a long hallway that had flashing lights on the walls by the ceiling.

We came to a room with people laying dead on the floor.

I'm guessing that these are the people who put us in the maze. Suddenly a video came on of a women with blonde hair.  She looked familiar to me, but I don't know how I would know her.  She introduced herself as Ava Paige and that she was the head of  W.C.K.D who runs all of this and the one who put us in the maze.  

I looked over at Thomas to see him looking at something.  I looked in the direction he was looking at and saw that lady, lying there on the floor, dead.  

The next thing I know is I see Gally walk in.  I was shocked to see him since I thought he didn't want to come, plus how did he even get here in the first place.  

He points a gun at us and he looks sick, then I realized that he had been stung.

I was really scared for Thomas.  Gally was aiming for him and the next thing I know I hear a gun shot and see a spear went right threw Gally.

I was shocked by everything that was going on.  I looked over to Thomas to see him on the ground holding someone, then I see that it is Chuck who is in his arms.  I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and I just let them flow down my cheeks.  I fell on my knees and then some people came in and started to drag us away.  

Thomas refused to let go of Chuck, but he was forced off of him and dragged like the rest of us.  We were outside now and we noticed that we were in some kind of desert.  They had us run to a helicopter.  Once we were all in they told us that we were safe and finally out of the maze.

I looked up at Thomas to see him looking back at me.  I moved closer to him and leaned my head onto his shoulder.  He put his arm around me, trying to comfort me as best as he could.

I don't know where we're going, but I don't think this will be the last time that we will be running.

I don't trust these people, but I hope that I'm not right for the boys sake.

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now