Dylan Imagine

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Request by @Okayyyellie

Dylan had just left for work.  He was working on the new season of Teen Wolf with my brother Tyler.  I myself am an actor, but I am a singer as well.  I met Dylan on the set of Teen Wolf.  You might be thinking I met him through my brother, but actually I am on the show to.  I play Scott's little sister Sophia, I just don't have to be on set for another few hours so here I am, in the bathroom, with a stick in my hand.  I still have a few minutes left before I find out the results.  I'm over a week late and I am starting to get worried.  Dylan and I are engaged, but it's to early to have a child now.

All that was running through my mind was what is Dylan going to say and Tyler is going to be so mad.  Tyler told me a while back that I better be married for a few years before I have a child.  Dylan and I have been talking about having children after we got married.  I hear my timer go off and walk to the stick that laid there on the sink.  I was scared to look at, but I have to.  I need to know.

I look down and there is was clear as day.

I was excited to find that Dylan and I were gonna have a baby, I just wish it wasn't at this moment

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I was excited to find that Dylan and I were gonna have a baby, I just wish it wasn't at this moment.  I haven't told Dylan anything about being late or that I was worried that I was pregnant and went out and bought myself a pregnancy text. 

I look at the clock to see that it was 10:30.  I had to be at the studio by 11 so I headed out the door.  I look down to see that there was a magazine on the front porch.  I picked it up and saw that I was on the cover.  I looked at the headline. 

Number 1 hit Singer and Star of Teen Wolf (Y/N) (L/N) Pregnant? Turn to page 16 to find out more.

I go to page 16 and read the little article. It talked about me walking into CVS to the pregnancy test isle and 5 minutes later walking out with a couple of pregnancy tests.

I was really starting to get scared now. What if Dylan or Tyler see's this magazine?

I got into my car and drove to the studio. Once I got there I jumped out of the car and ran inside immediately.

I saw Holland walking around and walked up to her. If anyone's seen the magazine here it's her.

"Hey Holland? Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course (Y/n)! What's up?" Holland asked.

"Have you seen a magazine with me on the cover by any chance today?"

She put her hand up to her chin to think.

"Um no, not that I have seen. Why?"

I sighed in relief.


She looked at me with curiosity.

"Paparazzi saw me walk into CVS and I walked out with a couple of pregnancy tests." I whispered.

I could tell she was about to scream so I put my hand over her mouth before she had the chance.

"Please don't shout. No one knows yet not Dylan or Tyler."

"So you are pregnant?"

I nodded my head and Holland had the biggest smile plastered on her face.

"Hey little sis!!" I heard someone say behind me and then two arms wrapped around my neck.

I turned around to look at Tyler.

"Hey big bro! Um.... Can I talk to you in private for a second?" I whispered to him. I want to tell him first. He is my big brother after all. Then I'll find Dylan and tell him.

He nodded and I turned around to walk to my dressing room. As I walked passed Holland, I whispered in her ear.

"Don't tell anyone."

Once we got to my dressing room I shut the door once Tyler walked in and turned to face him.

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it? What's wrong? Did Dylan do something to you?" He said getting worried.  He walked up to me and lifted my chin so that I was looking him in the eyes.

"No" I laughed "He didn't do anything to me except one thing. I'm pregnant Ty."

I was prepared for him to start yelling at me, but to only to be embraced into a big Posey hug.

"OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE??" He yelled.  His face was lit up in excitement.

I didn't expect this but I'm glad he isn't mad, but to be the complete opposite. 

"Does Dylan know yet?"

I shook my head no.

"I just found out this morning. I did it after he left to come here."

"So how are you planning on telling him?" He asked.

I smirked at him and whispered my plan into his ear.

I walked out of my dressing room to go find the director to tell him my plan, which he gladly accepted.

*Later while filming*

Stiles and I walked to Scotts room to tell him about the recent discovery that we found on the missing teens. Teens around Beacon Hills have been disappearing and Stiles and I think we found a connection between all of them.

I knocked on the door.

"Scott? You in there?" I called out.

"Yeah, come in." I heard him shout from the other side of the door.

We walked into his room to find him at his desk.

"Stiles and I have to tell you something."

Scott turned around and looked at us waiting for one of us to say something.

"I'm pregnant." I say not following the lines. 

Everyone looked at me with confused looks on their faces. The only people who didn't give me that look is Tyler, Holland and the Director.

Dylan leans over to whisper in my ear.

"(Y/n) that's not the line."

I turn towards him and smile.

"I know that's not my line."

He still looks at me confused and then it was like realization hit him.

"Really? You mean?...." He said stumbling over his words.

I nodded my head rapidly and he picked me up in his arms and put me in the air. I started giggling like a mad woman.

"I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked with the biggest smile on his face.

I grabbed his face.

"You're gonna be a dad!"  After I said this we shared a big and passionate kiss.

Everyone around us started clapping and came up to us to say congratulations.

I guess having a baby this soon isn't such a bad thing. We'll just have to move up our Wedding date so I'll be able to fit into my dress.

I hope you liked this @okayyyellie and I hope the rest of my reader like this as well!! Comment or message me if you want to request something! Remember I only do reader requests! Love you! -R😘

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