Dylan Imagine

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Requested by courtneyhearn

*Warning there is cursing in this chapter*

Dylan has been coming home really late recently and it's starting to worry me. He says that it is just that he has been working really long hours on Teen Wolf, but I talked to Posey and he said that they have actually been getting out earlier than they usually do. It's about 12:30 in the morning and he still isn't home yet.

I decided to get up and walk downstairs to find him laying on the couch. I was confused. Why was he laying on the couch? Why did I not hear the door open or close?

I walked up to him to find him asleep. I could smell alcohol on his breath. Smelling it makes me sick.

I started to shake him awake, but he didn't budge. I shook him harder and he stuck his arm out and pushed me to floor, making me hit the back of my head on the coffee table.

I started to cry because of the pain. I reached my hand back to the area and felt something sticky on the back of my head. I pulled my hand to the front of my face to see blood on my hand.

"What the fuck was that for?" I screamed at him. My screaming definitely woke him up.

"Shut up, you ungrateful bitch." He yelled back.

"Why are you even still here? Isn't it obvious I don't want to be with you. Just go away and never come back." He yelled even more at me and passed back out on the couch.

I started to cry even harder and my head started to pound and my vision started to get blurry.

I quickly grabbed my phone and called Posey. I needed to get to the hospital and he lived next door thankfully.

Phone Call

Pose: Hello? (Y/n)?

Me: T..tyler c...can you please come get me.

Pose: (Y/n) whats wrong?

Me: Please just hurry over.

End of Phone Call

I heard the door open and I looked over to see Tyler with a worried expression on his face, then the next thing I know everything went black.

*Time skip*

I woke up in a bed that wasn't my own, an IV hooked up to my arm and I could feel a bandage around my head.

I looked around the room to find Posey sitting next to my bed, asleep.

I reached out and touched his hand, which woke him up immediately.

"You're awake! DOCTOR SHES AWAKE!" He yells.

"Ow" I grab my head as it started throbbing even more.

"Sorry" he whispers back.

"(Y/n)? What happened?"

I looked down at my hands and I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. I started to tell him what happened and he just looked at me, shock written across his face.

"If he finds out and shows up will you keep him out. I don't want to see him right now."

He shook his head.

"Okay, but I don't understand. Dylan doesn't drink much since he knows you can't stand the smell and he talks about you all the time. Anyways why didn't you tell anyone you were pregnant?"

I looked at him confused. "Pregnant?"

"The doctor came in and they found out that you were 5 weeks along in the pregnancy."

I started to cry even more which made my head pound even worse until I couldn't see anything. I started to fade in and out of consciousness until I fell asleep again. It didn't seem to last long though when I was forced awake because of people screaming at each other.

I groaned and looked in the direction of the screaming to see Tyler and Dylan fighting.

"Let me in Tyler. I have to see my girlfriend."

"I told you she doesn't want to see you. I'm sorry man." Tyler said to Dylan calmly.

Dylan looked over at me.

"She's awake. (Y/n), baby, please let me come in." Dylan said in almost a whisper.

I looked down at the sheets on my hospital bed.

"Why should I let someone in who thinks that I am an ungrateful bitch and doesn't even give a shit about me anymore and never wants to see me." I yelled at him.

Hurt spread across his face and I felt a little guilty about saying that, but at the same time I don't. He deserves it and its his words not mine.

"Did I really say that?" He looked like he was about to cry. I shook my head indicating that he did say that to me.

"I didn't mean any of those things. I am so sorry (y/n). Please forgive me." By this time Dylan was actually crying his eyes out.

Seeing him cry made me want to cry.

"I forgive you." I signaled for Tyler to let him threw and he ran to my bed side immediately.

He grabbed my hand and got down on one knee. I was really confused on what he was doing.

"(Y/n), the reason why I have been home late is because I have been trying to figure out the perfect time to ask you this, but then I go an screw it up with what happened tonight. I truly am sorry. I would never hurt you intentionally and you know that. So I hope that this will fix things. "(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), will you marry me and become my wife for the rest of our lives?" He pulled out a beautiful silver ring with a 5 diamonds.

"Each diamond represents the number of years that I have loved you."

I was crying at this point

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I was crying at this point.

"But we have only been dating for 3?" I asked confused.

"I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you, but I never found the guts to ask you out until 2 years later."

I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't believe what was happening.

"So? Will you marry me?" Dylan asked me, there was so much hope in his eyes.

"Yes and guess whats even better?" I said to him.

"What?" he replied with the biggest grin on his face.

"I'm pregnant!"

The grin on his face got even bigger if that was even possible.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!?!?" He screamed and I flinched.

"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I am so sorry."

I laughed at his cuteness and nodded.

"I am the luckiest man on this earth to have found someone as beautiful as you. I love you so much (y/n)."

"I love you too Dylan!"


I hope you like this @courtneyhearn and two updates in one day yay!!!!!! I hope the rest you readers like this. Love all of you! -R😘

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