Scorch Trials: Thomas

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Thomas Pov

We had just escaped from WCKD.  Now we are running from them in the hot sun and the sand is hot from the heat.  The cranks didn't make the matter any better.  It was starting to become night fall and we had found shelter that will hide us from both WCKD and the cranks.  It looked like at one point this place could have been a place where you would go to shop for different kinds of things.  We decided to explore the area and see what we could find.  We need new clothes, water and food.  We came across an area where we found clothes and another area where there is plenty of food and water.  I noticed next to the place where we found the food and water there was a bed set up as if someone slept there and they had slept there quite recently.  I looked around the room, but didn't find anything that showed any sign of life, until I saw something out of the corner of my eye.  I look to the left and it looks like the outline of a person, but it was very still.  It must be one of those fake people that we have seen all around here.  I shrugged it off and went back to what I was doing.  I helped Newt carry some food and water back to where we came from.  As we were about to head out though we heard something move behind us.  I looked back and I saw that the thing that I saw earlier was gone.  I shined my light over there and saw a girl hiding behind some boxes on the ground.  She looked about our age and you could tell that she was scared.

"It alright. We won't hurt you."  I said to her.  All she did was glare at me.  She got up and moved towards me.

"I'm not afraid about you hurting me.  I was afraid that you were WCKD and you had finally found me."  She said and looked between Newt and I.

"No we are actually running from them ourselves.  How do you know about them?"  I asked her, taking a step towards her.  She was beautiful.  If not the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.  I had this urge to protect her for some reason and she also looked familiar to me.  I don't know where I have seen her though.  

"I was in one of their mazes and then I started to remember that I used to work for them in my dreams.  I got everyone out of my maze.  When WCKD took us in, it was great until I started to realize that they weren't helping us, but rather harming us, using us to do experiments on.  When I found that out, what they were doing, I found a way to sneak out and they have been looking for me ever since."  She said.  I was shocked that she was in the same boat as us.

"How long have you been out here and why didn't you try to free everyone else there?"  Newt asked her this time.

"I've been out here for a couple months and I tried but no one believed me so I left on my own."

We stood there in silence for a little while until Aris walked into the room.

"Guys we found a little bit of food!"  He exclaimed until he looked over at the girl.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?"

"Aris? Oh my gosh!  I can't believe its you!"  They ran up to each other, embracing one another in a tight hug.

"(Y/N)?  You guys know each other?" Newt asked, pointing to the two of them.

"Yeah we were in the glade together!  She was my best friend and then one day she disappeared.  I thought that they had got her, but I guess I was wrong."  Aris said laughing.

"Of course you were wrong.  Otherwise I wouldn't be standing here right in front of you shanks."  They busted out in laughter.  Carrying on talking to each other, catching up.

"So (Y/N), if you have been out here for a while then do you know your way around?"  I asked while we were walking back to the group.

"Yeah,  I guess you could say that.  I was out there for a long time until I found this place a couple weeks ago.  There's a whole bunch of people out there in the burnt down city.  I'm not really sure what it is called, but to get in you have to drink something and it makes you hallucinate. It obviously has some type of drug in it.  I have been looking for a group called "Safe Haven".  I'm not really sure if that is the correct name or not." The girl, (Y/n) said.  The place she was talking about is where we just came from.

"We are looking for them too.  We just came from the place you were describing."  Aris said.  We finally got back to the group and they were all sitting in a circle talking.  Aris and (y/n) were talking in front of Newt and I until (y/n) stops, looking at the group.  She seems like she is looking at someone in particular.  I look at the direction she is looking at and see she is staring at Teresa.

"(Y/N)?  Are you okay?"  Aris asked, waving his hand in front of her face.  She raises her hand and points her finger at Teresa.

"You."  She whispers.  Everyone looked at her confused.  What about her?  (Y/n) turns around and looks at me.

"You cannot trust her.  She is working for them."  I was even more confused now just like everyone else.  (Y/n) hasn't even met Teresa so how could she know if we can't trust her or not. Also who is she "working" for?

"Who is she supposedly working for?"  Newt demanded sternly, walking up to her.

"Them.  WCKD."  She said it so softly that you could barely here what she said.  The only ones who heard her was Aris, Newt, and I because we were standing right next to her.

"How would you even know if she was working for them?  You have never met us before and you had left before we had gotten out of the maze.  So if there is anyone to not trust its you."  Newt yelled at her.  I had to agree with Newt a little bit.  We just met her and if there is anyone that we shouldn't trust its her.  Teresa is my best friend and I don't believe that Teresa would do anything against me.  I used to work for them before the maze, but I don't trust WCKD now, just like her, so that doesn't mean that I shouldn't be trusted.

"I get that and you don't have to trust me, but I am not taking you to the 'Safe Haven' if she is with us.  The moment you guys get there she is going to tell them where the group is."  Everyone looked at (y/n) when she mentioned the safe haven.

"How do you know where the safe haven is?"  Minho finally spoke up.  

"I found them and lived there for a while.  I help them locate stuff like food and supplies that they need.  I also gather information and help stragglers like you who are running from WCKD to the safe haven, but that girl cannot be trusted."

"Wait?!  Earlier you said you were looking for them and now you say you know where they are?  This is why we can't trust you.  You just lied to us about not knowing where they were and come here accusing Teresa of working for WCKD."  Newt was furious at this point.

"I couldn't tell you that I knew where they were if you guys didn't know about them.  Once you said that you were looking for them to I knew that I could take you.  We don't want just anyone finding out about the safe haven and it getting out to WCKD. They are searching for all of us and they want us all back so they can do experiments on us."  She yelled back.

"Good luck finding your way there though because unless she is coming with and I understand that she is your friend, but you cannot trust her.  So unless she doesn't come with us, I will take you.  Until you decide what you want to do, you know where to find me."  She started to walk back in the direction we had just come from.  There was something about her and I could tell that she was telling the truth, but I just don't want to believe it.  Why would Teresa every betray us.

"Yeah well we can find them on our own, we don't need you."  Newt yelled after her.

"Fine then you can do just that then."  She yelled back and that was the last time we saw her.


Thank you guys again so much for reading this.  I hope you liked it.  I finally finished my book The boss's Niece and I am still looking for the best friend of the reader in the Barry Allen/ The Flash x reader and James T Kirk x Reader.  If you want to be in either of them comment your name and what book to get the part.  Whoever comments first gets it. Also you can request who you want me to do next, just say who and the plot! Love you all and until next time! -R

Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now