Teen Wolf: Stiles

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This one is going to be little different from the other ones.

Stiles Pov

I was talking to my best friend Scott when she walked in.

(Y/n) (l/n), the most beautiful girl at Beacon Hills High. Well at least she is to me.

I have tried to talk to her a couple times, but I always chickened out. I always did the same thing when I had a crush on Lydia Martin. The only difference is Lydia is always surrounded by people while (y/n) is always alone. (Y/n) is a very quiet person and keeps to herself. The only time I have ever heard her talk is when she was answering a question. That's one thing I like about her, she's really smart.

I watched her sit down in her spot in the right back corner all by herself. I felt someone nudge me in the arm. I look over at Scott beside me.

"You should go talk to her." He said to me. Moving his eyebrows up and down.

I thought about it and thought I'd give it a try.  I got up from my chair and moved to the back right corner.  She was looking out the window so she didn't see me come over and sit down next to her. I tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention.  She turned towards me and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Hi! I'm Stiles." I said to her and put my hand out for her to shake.

She starred at my hand and looked back up to me before reaching her hand out, shaking my hand politely.

"Hi" (y/n) murmured back to me.

"Why do you sit by yourself?" I asked bluntly, letting my mouth run. I immediately regretted saying that when her face turned all red and looked down at her hands in her lap. 

I was about to tell her she didn't have to answer it when she started to speak.

"I'm to shy to walk up to someone and introduce myself and most people just try to avoid me so I just don't bother with trying to make friends. So I just sit by myself and mind my own business.  Plus people don't think I pay attention to what they're saying and I overhear what people say about me." She says, her voice barely a whisper, but loud enough for me to here.  Her face showed how upset she was just telling me that and went back to looking at her hands.

I looked down at the floor, my face reciprocating hers. I don't like seeing her sad.

"I'll be your friend!!" I said excitedly. 

Her head shot up to look at me with surprise written all over her face and her frown turned into a beautiful smile.  I loved that smile.

"You should smile more.  I like your smile."  I said out loud.  When I realized what I said, I could feel my face start to heat up in embarrassment.  I look over to (y/n) about to say something to find her face completely red.  Is she blushing? 

"T-Th-Thank you." She stuttered with an even bigger smile on her face.

"You're welcome!" I replied, my embarrassment fading away.

"If you don't mind me asking. What do other people say about you?" I asked looking at her with pleading eyes.  I want to know what people are saying about her.  I haven't heard anything.

"They say stuff like I'm a know-it-all because I answer everything correctly and have straight A's,  teachers pet,  no one could every like me because I am so ugly-" she was saying until I cut her off.

"You know you aren't any of that right?  You are beautiful and they're just jealous that they can't get straight A's and aren't smart enough like you to answer every question and ace every test thrown at them. Now with the teachers pet thing. That isn't bad it just means that all the teachers like you and that's a good thing."  I said making her smile up at me.

I smiled back at her which brightened her smile more.

"Thank you Stiles. I really needed that and I am glad that you're my friend."

"You're welcome (y/n).  Why don't you come and sit with me at lunch?  I bet Scott, Liam, Lydia, and Malia will like you and would love to be your friend to." I asked.  Hoping that she'll say yes to my question.

"Um sure, I guess I'll join you guys if they're okay with it."

I was about to reply when I was interrupted.

"Stilinski.  Get your ass back to your seat next to McCall and stop bothering Ms. (l/n)." Coach yelled at me.

I was gonna protest, but decided not to bother since it wouldn't go anywhere and walked to my seat next to Scott.  I looked over at (y/n) to see her giggling.  I can't wait till lunch so I can talk to her again.

I just saw on facebook that it is confirmed that Dylan will be coming back to Teen Wolf for season six!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so happy that he is okay and well enough to do this season.  Jeff said that this season revolves a lot around Stiles and if he wouldn't have been able to the season then they would have to rewrite the script and it just wouldn't have been the same with him playing Stiles on the show.  So bless the Lord!!!! 

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