Teen Wolf: Stiles Stilinski

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Part 4


"I was talking to Scott, at his locker, when I look over to see (y/n) talking to some girls at her locker. The girls were Sydney Olson, Elizabeth Brown, and Heather Smith. When she was talking to them, she started crying and slammed her locker shut and ran down the hall. I noticed the girls laughing at her and then I ran down the hall after her. She ran into the girls locker room and I tried to talk to her through the door, but she told me to leave her alone. I didn't listen, of course, being the stubborn person I am, I kept trying to talk to her and she came out and was saying how that I was just like everyone else, using her just to get a laugh out of my friend and that she hated me and how she never wants to see me again. Then she pushed me down and then ran out of the school. That was the last time I saw her and I went looking for her and I ended up here." I said to him, looking down at the ground.

"Okay, well Scott can you do well whatever it is you do?" My dad asked, looking at Scott.

"Yeah Malia and I already have her scent. We were just waiting for you to get here. Not that we needed reinforcements, but since this could be a murder I thought it was best if we got you involved just in case."

My dad shakes his head at Scott's statement and said.

"Lead the way then you two."

They both looked at me and I nodded my head telling them it was okay. They nodded back and we started to make our way into the forrest. All these thoughts were running through my mind, but the main question that was running through my mind was 'Is (y/n) dead?'.......

We're walking through the Forrest searching for her and all we have found is nothing. We have been looking for hours and all we seem to be doing is going in circles. I don't understand. Scott and Malia have her scent and they say that they're following it but then why are we going in circles? 

"Are you sure we are going the right way?  We have past this tree like five times."  Liam spoke up.

We all look at him in confusion. 

"Tree?  How do you know we have past that tree like five times?"  Scott asked pointing to the tree.

"Well if you look at it, the tree is bigger than the rest of them and it has this weird carving on it."  When Liam mentioned something about a weird carving we all moved forward to see what he was looking at.

"  When Liam mentioned something about a weird carving we all moved forward to see what he was looking at

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"They look like eyes." Scott says and examines them.

"Do you think it means something?" Liam asks.

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