The Internship: Stuart Twombly

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We were playing quidditch today for our task I think or maybe it was just for fun.  I don't know, I honestly wasn't really paying attention.

We were losing against Grahams team.  I had Billy, Neha, Stuart, Nick, Lyle, and Yo-Yo on my team.  I was stuck in a group with them since Mr. Chetty put Lyle and I with the misfits.  I like my band of misfits except for one person.  Stuart.  He is a grade A pain in my ass with all his sarcastic remarks.

Lyle and I have been friends since the beginning and we have worked with google for a few years, but we agreed to group with anyone who needed to be in a group and unfortunately Stuart had to be in this group.  He is smart don't get me wrong, I just wish he had a better attitude.

Lyle: Okay guys lets huddle up.

We all walked over to him and stood in a circle.

Lyle: Okay guys, so what do you think we should do to improve.  We're behind 20 points.

Stuart: Well if our chaser didn't have two left feet, then we would be fine.

I glared at Stuart.  I wanted to stab him right in between the eyes, but I held back.

So instead I walked up next to him and smacked him in the back of the head and smirked at him.

(Y/N):  Well if someone could actually catch and get their damn eyes off their phone for two seconds, then maybe we'd actually get somewhere

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(Y/N): Well if someone could actually catch and get their damn eyes off their phone for two seconds, then maybe we'd actually get somewhere.

The whistle blew signaling that the game was back in session.

I glared at Stuart while walking back onto the quidditch pitch.

We got lined up and I was in front of Graham.  He has been hitting on me since the first day of this internship and it is really annoying. 

He probably thinks that since I am good with Mr. Chetty that if he gets with me then he has a better chance of making it in and no matter where our group ends up Lyle and I are still in with Google.  He is such a kiss ass.

"Hey (y/n)."

I rolled my eyes at Graham.  I really don't want to deal with him today.

"What?" I said, my voice dripping with irritation.

"Has anyone told you that you have the most beautiful (e/c) eyes, how your smile is just so bright that it lights up my whole world, and your (s/c) skin is smoother than silk itself."

"How about you go and try to kiss someone else's ass and not mine because it's never gonna happen."

The whistle blew and I took off running. Lyle had the quaffle and I signaled for him to pass it to me since I was open. He passed it to me and I got it and ran down the pitch. I threw the quaffle and it went threw the hoop.

I turned around to see Stuart looking at me. I rolled me eyes and walked towards Lyle. We had finally won the match and Lyle and I have this tradition that when we win we would go out and celebrate together.

We invited everyone to come with us and we all went to this bar/ strip club which isn't my style and made me really uncomfortable.

*Few Hours Later*

By now every one was drunk except for me.  I wasn't much of a drinker so I had a couple and then drank soda the rest of the night. Lyle went off somewhere with his crush Marielena and the rest of them went to get more drinks except for Stuart.  

We sat there in awkward silence.  I looked at the clock to see it was 11 and decided I should go back home.  I stood up and looked at Stuart.

"If anyone asks tell them I went home."

I walked away before he could respond back to me and out the door.  I heard the door opening behind me and then a hand was placed on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Stuart staring at me.  I open my mouth to say something but to be cut off by a pair of lips on mine.  Our lips meshed together as if they were made for each other.

The kiss had to have lasted a few minutes before either of us pulled away. When we pulled away from each other I looked at him in aw and he walked back inside before I had the chance to say something.


I am so sorry guys that it has been a while since I have updated.  Things have been really crazy lately and I graduate in 3 weeks. I have also had a death in my family a couple weeks ago.  Now that school is starting to get out I am hoping to be able to write more often.  I hope you liked this.  If you have any suggestions for me then please comment. I am open to suggestions and I will give you credit for the idea. -R

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