Teen Wolf: Stiles

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Part 1: Senior Year

Your Pov

Today was the first day of senior year.  I moved here with my mom four years ago and believe or not,  I still don't have any friends.  I am a, what you would call, social outcast.  No one knows who I am even though I have been in a class, at least once, with everyone in my grade.  

My mom, however, doesn't know that I haven't made any friends in Beacon Hills.  She thinks I'm one of the "populars" like Lydia Martin, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, and the rest of their group.  When in reality, I'm the complete opposite. 

I have had a locker next to Stiles since I started here and he's never learned my name,  that's just how unpopular I am.  He always asks me for stuff though like paper, a pencil or something and it always sounds like this.

"Hey!! Um....... (as if he's trying to think of my name but can't) can I borrow a pencil?"

I always give him one.  I put a lot of stuff in my locker just because he asks me almost everyday for something.  I started to like him, but I gave up.  He would never like me.  If he still doesn't know my name after four years then how could he like me.

I walked I walked off to my next class. Science.  I love and hate science.  I love doing the experiments, but hate listening to our teacher talk all the time. He is just so boring.  I sit down at one of the tables in the far back and watch the rest of my classmates file into the room and sit down,  waiting for class to start.

Stiles Pov

I walked into class with Scott, Lydia, Kira, and Malia.  We had science together, which made it fun.  I look toward the back of the class and see the girl who has the locker next to mine, sitting there alone.  I have a huge crush on her, but I never got to know her name.  She's been in a lot of classes of mine, but whenever the teacher said her name I guess I was talking to Scott.  I always made an excuse to talk to her though, but she never talks back.  She always just nods her head  and walks away. 

When I'm at my locker when she is,  I ask her if I can borrow something just so I can talk to her.  The thing is though, I never need anything that I ask her for,  but she gives it to me anyways.  Lydia or someone starts talking, but I'm not listening, I'm just focused on the girl in the back on her phone.  I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and look over to Scott.

"Stiles?  Who are you looking at?"  He asks me, everyone looking interested.

"The girl in the back corner." I replied.
They all look back at her and turn back to look at me.

"Who is she?  Is she the girl that has the locker next to you?" Malia asks and I shake my head.

"What's her name?" Scott asks and I say "I don't know."

"How can you not know her name?  She has had the locker next to you for four years." Kira stated and I look at all of them.

"How do none of you know her name?  She's been in almost every class that we have been in for four years as well."  I stated and everyone looked at me in confusion except Lydia.

"Her name is (F/N) (L/N).  You guys are a bunch of idiots.  Am I the only one who pays attention to anything and anyone in this group?  She moved here four years ago and doesn't have any friends.  At least I don't think she does since I have never seen her talk to anyone, but a teacher. Out of everyone thought, Stiles, how could you not know her name.  Like Kira said shes had a locker next to you for four years."

Everyone starred at Lydia in shock.  She was really smart and everyone knew that, but she can be pretty sassy at times.  No wonder I fell for her all those years ago.  I was the only one who payed attention to her and realized how smart she was and she only played an act for Jackson.  Now it just happened to be the other way around.  She payed attention when I didn't.  I feel ashamed that I like the girl and just now found out her name.  Although I just started liking her toward the end of our Junior year.  Just before summer started. 

I look back towards (y/n) again.  She was still sitting alone.  I felt bad that she always sits there alone and doesn't talk to anyone. I look at my friends and get up out of my chair.  Everyone looked at me, I turned around and walked towards the girl with her head down, looking at her phone.  I moved the stool that was next to her and sat down.  She looked up at the noise and looked at me.



Sorry this is so short and I left it off that way.  I just wanted to publish something.  Comment if you want a part 2.

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