November 24

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We're on the way to somewhere, H and me, but I'm the rookie and I don't get to ask where. He says he's taking me to meet someone who's going to let me talk to Mary, but before that we need to do a couple of things. A hunter never passes up a hunt. Never. This is what H says. So tonight we took on a strange kind of undead thing. H said it was a revenant, maybe? I don't know what that is. Yet. I'll find out. People called it Doc Benton. He wanted to live forever, and when he couldn't make alchemy work, he turned to organ theft instead. kept himself alive by replacing each of his organs, as they failed one at a time, with organs harvested from unlucky locals. According to H, this has been going on since 1816. The doc was trouble, until I took him apart with a chainsaw after H burned the corpse of his most recent victim. Lesson: burning the victim weakened the doc by depriving him of the power he'd gotten from those organs. According to H, you can solve a lot of problems with gasoline and a match. I need to learn more about revenants. I need to learn more about everything.

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