December 25

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Didn't sleep again last night. Woke up in a cold sweat and realized it was Christmas. Where's Mary? That was my thought. all night, and it stayed in my mind all day. Christmas without my wife seems unreal. Our celebration was clumsy . . . a crooked two-foot-tall plastic tree, a bunch of junk food stuffed in the stockings, and a pile of sports equipment for the boys . . . football, basketball, soccer ball. My attempt to bring back some normalcy. Already Dean is too big for T-ball, this year we'll be going to real Little League games. Or rather, I'll be going to the games. Alone. Mary will never see Dean hit a home run. She'll never see Sammy walk, or hear him say his first words. She won't take Dean to his first day at school, or stay up all night with me worrying the first night he takes the car out. It's not right that she's not here, and that's all I could think about today. I'm so angry I can barely see straight-I want my wife back. The police have officially declared our case closed. What a Christmas present, huh?

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