May 2

245 4 0

Sammy is seven today. I think we’re going to get him through

the first grade this year. He’s a smart little kid, but we’ve

moved around so much that he’s a little behind in school. And

I haven’t been doing the stuff I need to do with him on that

front. I need to be better about reading to him—stuff other

than fi eld manuals and weird newspaper headlines. He’s okay

at math, and he knows some scientific stuff, because he’s seen

people doing some weird experiments at the roadhouse and

Pastor Jim’s, but he needs your basic little kid school stuff. I’d

ask Dean to do it, but there’s only so much you can pile on a

kid. Having Sammy’s life in his hands is enough for Dean; he

can’t be responsible for home-schooling Sammy too. God. This

is one more time I’m reminded how much we need Mary.

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