March 17

218 3 0

In the last week, Sammy has played a sunbeam in the school

play and I killed a demon inhabiting the body of an old woman.

It knew something about the succubi, I think. We’re being followed. Or are we? Am I getting paranoid? I have every reason

to be, but it’s something I have to guard against. The boys are

doing well. Sammy’s talking about doing a science pro ect to

enter in the fair next month. He’s really taken to his teacher,

Ms. Lyle, and she’s encouraging him. Smart kid, Sammy. It

was warm today, and the boys kicked a soccer ball around.

That’s one of the nice things about Albuquerque. I picked up

a job working construction. Feels good to be punching a clock

again, actually. The regular rhythm of it. Part of me needs that.

I thought about going back to turning wrenches, but it didn’t

feel right. I think a lot of things died in Lawrence, and that

dream was one of them.

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