September 30

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October 30:

I saw an exorcism today. Or something that looked like an

exorcism. According to Jim, there really are demons. I don’t

know if I believe that—he’s a pastor, so of course he does, but

. . . demons? From Hell? Even after the things I’ve seen these

past three years (almost), I can’t quite make demons t. But between watching what happened to Bill at Devil’s Gate, and

what I saw today . . . I don’t know.

Jim knows I have the journal. After he was done, and the

girl was looking around like someone who’d just woken up

from the worst nightmare you can imagine, he took me back

to his church and had me copy down a shorter version of the

Rituale Romanum exorcism ritual. Usually, he said, you don’t

have to read the whole thing. Most demons can’t hold out that

long. But he wants me to copy the whole thing just in case. So

I’m going to. I don’t know if I believe in demons, but I’m not

sure I can disbelieve them anymore, either.

In the expulsion of demonic forces or energie residing

in an individual, soul possession, command of one’s

motor and abilities.

The Rituale Romanum was widely used in the mid- to

late 13th century in most of eastern Europe until the church

banned its use in the beginning of the 14th century. Initial

studies indicate that this anti-curse was particularly helpful

in ridding the individual of unwanted guests. The rst part

of the ritual expels the entity from the host. The second half

of the ritual banishes the spirit back from whence it came.

Repeat the incantation as follows:

1. Regna Terrae, cantate deo,

psallite domino,

qui vehitur per calus

caelos antiquos!

Ecce, edit vocem suam, vocem potentem:

Akinoscite potentiam dei! Majestas ejus,

Et potentia ejus

In nubibus.

2. Timendus est dues e sancto suo,

dues Israel; ipse potentiam

datet robur populo suo

benedictus dues.

Gloria Patri.

On the completion of the rst part of the incantation the

demon may take one or more of several forms ranging from

liquid to gaseous to corporeal to any combination of the aforementioned. Great care must be taken in performing the second

part of the ritual. The demon upon expulsion can become very

powerful without the need of a host. Beware that the spirit can

enter a host through any opening in the host. Keep your eyes

open and mouth shut.

In Michigan, they call October 30 Devil’s Night.

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